Friday, December 10, 2004

Bought A New Monitor

What super computer would be complete with out a nice big ass monitor! Besides if the little bro comes home he's going to want his monitor I've been using back. So what do I buy? All kinds of monitors out there, which one will fit my gaming needs? I knew I wanted a 19 inch but LCD or a CRT? I also didn't want to spend a lot of money, at first, but after shopping around I new I was going to pay a decent amount. I first started randomly looking at LCD's over the internet. I also went to Best Buy along with Comp USA to see what I could find. The 19 inchers I saw, LCD's at least, were upwards of 5 hondo! And some didn't look that great. The 19 inch CRT's were grotesquely large and probably wouldn't fit in my den. View the pic below of my den and tell me what you think. So this left me with one choice, I would have to go with an LCD do to the space. Once again, what kind? My efforts searching for a product I knew nothing about, lead me to Mr. Tech know it all Jon. Before I went to Jon it hadn't occurred to me to even type into Google "best LCD computer game monitor." Don't ask, it never occurred to me that LCD monitors and computer games don't always go together. I would later do a substantial amount of research later that explains if the LCD response time is high it will cause ghosting of the picture, not good when you play fast action graphically intense games over the internet. So back to Mr. I know what I'm talking about get away from that computer, I'll find you a monitor for your price range because your retarded and I'm always right Jon! Well with his magic internet fingers at the ready he blazed a trail through the void of the web landing on what would turn out to be the perfect 19 inch LCD monitor for me. I was skeptical at first because Jon was all like "I don't know much about LCD's, something about those number, one of them means something about refresh rates and should be low or something and it would be nice, but I cant tell if it has a DVI slot." What the hell, that's not very reassuring, but never is anything Jon says to me about computer crap. So I went home thinking about the monitor and began to do actual research, and what did I come up with after reading several articles? well al my research led me back to same damn LCD monitor Jon found, and for the cheapest around! so with out further adieu, my new monitor A 16 MS response time is ideal for for gaming on your PC, no more no less. The DVI input is pure digital signal from your PC to your monitor without that stupid conversion to analogue and back to digital. Who needs analogue anyways, its the future damn it! Of course I could be wrong about all this tech crap Im spotting and the monitor could be the worst investment I've made since this $1800 paper wait. In that case I'll just go back to blaming Jon for misleading me.

I know this was boreing to read, but I was using this entry to practice my newly appropriated typeing skills , which I might add is still rusty as hell! Although I think typeing is helping with my spelling a little. So mad props goes out to my main woman Mavis Beacon and her killer typeing teaching program! she taught me type properly in a matter of two weeks an hour a day. don't get me wrong, I'm still slow as hell, but speed comes with time. It took me a little over an hour to type all this. You may not be impressed but I am . untill next time, Secrest out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

did yo remember the dvi cable?

3:50 PM  

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