
Well I must say I had a bit of entrepidation about going into this Thanksgiving, based on past Thanksgiving experiences. The whole event went off without a hitch. Surprisingly there were no meltdowns and all the food came out really well. I was impressed how calm my mother stayed, although she was a bit annoyed that my oldest brother and his wife were late coming over. My father even managed to hold his composer and not turn into a drunktard. Nobody even complained for the most part, except for my brother Jon when he questioned my skills when it came to opening a bottle of wine. It was a good dinner and little strange having my Grandpa and Great Aunt over. I cant remember the last time we had them over for a dinner, but I think they enjoyed the quaint gathering as opposed to the lavish parties my aunt and uncle have.
Now it wouldn't be Thanksgiving if we all didn't give thanks. So what am thankful for this Thanksgiving? I am thankful for the fact that I got into school, I got my apartment, I got my health, I got my family (issues aside), I got a job, I got a car, I got some really good friends, and I had some really great experiences this year.
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