Freshman Year

I was going through some of my old stuff yesterday when I came across my old High school ID. Its hard for me to even see the resemblance in myself. I was about 4'5, a 115lb Ziggy Piggy, with long luscious wavy locks of hair. I was mistaken for a little girl on a regular basis, which is what lead me to finally cutting my hair. I wonder what I was thinking back then, or the lack their of? The past ten years, were probably and will always be the worse part of my life. Don't get me wrong their were some good times, but then it was tainted with a lot of downs, poor decisions, and an overall lack of guidance, not that I would have taken it. Now I look forward to adulthood, moving out and of course going to University. If I can recall, I want to say that guy in the ID never wanted to go beyond high school. He thought it was cool to hang out with hoodlums, smoke, drink, and party all the time. I was a smart kid too, at least I want to say I was, I just got corrupted and fell in with the wrong crowd (I guess I wasn't very smart after all), but I hold myself responsible for that. Still its interesting to think about how far I've come in bettering my situation and life since then. Although, some would say I really haven't done much, but to them I say the gears are in motion and soon I will start to see results. Everyday it just keeps getting better, although sometimes I want to give up, I still manage pull it together and hold my head high looking forward to a bright and better future.
OMG you totally look like a girl, and a cute one at that.
No offense. I mean, when I had my hair cut short, I was routinely mistaken for a boy. I do know how it feels.
Oh Francis! You were very pretty. Hey, I see you are going back to school.
Well done. You know, as a person with a BA in Journalism, I just have to say now that writing should be about the love of it and not for the money, because there is none. Blockbuster Video employees still in high school make more than you will. But it is very exciting and I liked it, which is why I'm now unemployed and would never consider working for a newspaper again. But enough about me! (Become a novelist, it is the only way my son).
So if I'm a pretty/cute girl does that mean I'm an ugly boy? No offense taken, the real reason I cut my hair was I went to water park and I overheard some kids talking "hay that girls not wearing a swimsuit!" Very damaging to my fragile 13 year old psyche.
No, you are not an ugly boy. I like your use of earth tones in your wardrobe, very fetching. If it makes you feel any better I could have probably gotten away with wearing boy's swim trunks and no one would have known. Such was the flatness of my chest.
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