
My roommate's been driving me nuts with his obsession over finding living room furniture. Even before we got the place, he's been "So dude ah when we going to buy a couch?" I didn't think a couch was all that important, but it is to him. So everyday for the past three weeks we been checking Craig's list for couches. Anytime your looking for something check the Craig's list you'd be amazed at all the fantastic things you can find in your area. Yesterday, we both finally found a piece of ugly furniture that we could both agree on. Its hard to tell from the picture, but the furniture is actually really tiny, but that's ok because it will fit in our tiny apartment. I know you all probably think its hideous stuff, but if you saw it in person you might think......well you would probably still thinks its hideous, but its damn nice quality. The guy who sold it to us was a Pathologist at Cook County Hospital, which for those of you that don't know is the hospital ER is based on. The reason he was selling it, was he has to move back to the UK because working at Cook county he was working in "deplorable conditions!" Something to do with the "you get what you pay for mentality," which for those of you that don't know, Cook County Hospital is free to those who can't afford health care. He then went on a long rant about how nice the state run hospitals work back in England, and he looks forward to getting back to a 9-4 shift as opposed to his 14 hour days he works here. He went on to say "I got no time to go to the bloody pub, all they got me doing is working and then they yell at me and tell me to put in more hours, I couldn't bloody take it no more, so I quite and am moving back mates. Shame too, because I bloody love the States."
that stuff looks ok. maybe you need to change ur blinds. a couch is important, tho. people spend a lot of time in living rooms. thats y their called that.
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