A Debate Over Speling
Those very few and privileged who actually reed my blogg, know by now that my spelling is atrocious. Those that know me personally, like my brothers, think its funny and adds to the majesty of my works. I, on the other hand, believe my horid buchering of the proper spelling over my mastery of the English language is quite difficult to live with.
The world is full of labels and, and do to my poor spelling, I could be labeled as an idiot. Not to deny I might actually be an idiot, but I do believe I am potentially smarter than the average person. Which considering the average person is an Idiot, that doesn't put me ahead by much.
Why am I bringing this up. Well over the past several post I have been attempting to properly spell "GAUZE!" After my first incarnation of "gozz" I was then informed by my brother Jon that was way off. This sparked a debate over how I believed I was rite, and that the spell check on this Blogg sucks.
Jon informed me that I was confused between "GAUSS" and "GAUZE!"
the first spelling is pronounced "gouse" as in a guass rifle, which is basically a magnetic rail gun http://www.scitoys.com/scitoys/scitoys/magnets/gauss.html. the second spelling is what I was looking for, but some how I managed to make the spelling mistake again after it was pointed out to me.
You see, I am an artist, so naturally I create. Unbeknownst to me, I have created my own language.
Something in my brain when I try to phonicaly spell something, puts the phonics together in the improper way I pronounce the words.
Francis: ya, I can't bring up the consal
Jon : Consal? its pronounced CON-SOLE!
Francis: Thats what I said, booty-traps!
Unforunately, this is probably some kind of learning disorder that was never addressed when I was younger, because I have been spelling things wrong my whole life. On the other hand, I was kid who never liked to do his homework, and always failed his spelling test, (Did I ever mention that I didn't learn to read until second grade?) But seeing how spelling test only accounted for 10 points a week in grammar school, no big loss. Well thinking back now its a huge loss to me personally, that's why I'm writing about it.
Poor spelling aside, I don't have a literacy problem. I can comprehend complex and difficult words with ease. Yet when it comes to writing, I often want to use a descriptive which I feel is best for a situation, but have to dumn the word down because I can't figure out how to spell it properly. Even my best efforts at that are no where near the proper formation of the syllables and consonants.
I think I've already writen something about this before?
I'm not a tremendous speller, though I would have gotten gauze right because my mom is a nurse and you learn certain words. I blame English, not myself. English isn't a language that makes much sense. I typically write my entries into Word prior to posting, so I catch spelling problems but I don't edit so there are misused words and poor grammar at points no doubt.
I need to be paid if someone wants me to edit and fact check my work ;)
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