Friday, January 14, 2005

Prognosis Positive

After my last visit to the DR, he informed that my former inflated earlobe seems to be doing as good as can be expected. The DR decided it best to leave the GAUSE (happy now, I spelled it rite!) in until Friday. I have to go back tomorrow to find out the final verdict, but I think my now slightly seeping wound will be good to go.

Last night I thought I was having a dream, where I was picking and squeezing at my packed full of gause for an earlobe, only to awake and find my left finger tips covered in blood! EEEEEWWWW was my response too! The damn thing has just started itching so much, I guess that's a sign its healing.

I've had to keep changing the band aid that now covers the back side of my earlobe, on a constant basis. It keeps getting soaked in the primordial ooze that seeps from with in the vestige's of the inner workings of my festering bacteria laden factory that is my earlobe! Now that was a mouth full of descriptives. I took up saving the used bandages to show potential guest that come over on occasion, but my mom deemed that unsanitary, and had me throw them away. Or so she thinks (dun dun duuunn). Since I don't foresee any guest anytime soon I will do the next best thing, post pics of my band aids here!

Why would you want people to see your earlobe ooze on a band aid?

Your question makes a valid point, the only answer I can offer is, so people can see it, which in its self raises a number of questions as to why I would want people to see it, and all I can say to that is " just because." Hay, its my abscess and I will display it how I want too!

Quick note on that, it turns out most people, especially girls have no interest of wanting to see it. Found that out the hard way! Girls also don't want to see your freakishly long toe nails either. But some how, under the rite conditions they want to see your wiener, go figure.


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