Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Hurricane Ruining My Name

This damn Hurricane Frances is making me the punch line, not that I already wasn't, for some very unfunny jokes. You see, my true name is FranIS with an IS, Not FrancES with an ES. People are so stupid, they can't distinguish the difference between the male IS and female ES of my name. Since I work at restaurant every damn customer/guest has been commenting on my name for the past several days. Saying shit like, Hay Francis aren't you supposed to be in Florida. My response to that is, do I look like white trash (no comments from those that know me about that)? Or hay your name is the same as that hurricane in Florida. Multiple lame ass jokes like that by a 100 and it gets old fast. The only one I know who can relate to this conundrum, is my little bro Andrew, who has the same name as devastating hurricane that hit Florida and the Golf coast years ago. Hopefully Hurricane Frances wont be as devastating as their predicting, and will trail off into obscurity, much like I'm destine to do. Every time someone comments on my name and the similar name of the hurricane I find my self saying
FRANCES (use Pee Wees voice from PeeWees Big Adventure, more importantly the scene when hes at the police station and the cops ask him if he knows of anyone that would want to steal his Bike, and Pee Wee turns to the camera with an evil look and says it, to get the most of that joke).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you forgot to talk about the time in 3rd grade when your name made you look like a fool in front of the whole school. We were at a March of Dimes assembly where they recognized the number of books people read for charity. Well at one point they call up a girl named Frances with the ES ending. Then, later, they call up this Francis and before he can stand up they say "she read 18 books" Well Francis couldn't just sit there so he had to get up and go accept his certificate and the whole school laughed at him because some old lady called him a girl.

11:45 PM  
Blogger franswiggidy said...

Damn you, I had alomost forgoten about that! The horrible memorys of my youth are flooding back into my mind. I thought you said you didn't remember crap from when you were young! It wasn't the whole school, it was like Grade 1-3 or something like that. It was a deserving punishment for having lied about all the books I supposedly read. remember those little books we had that were mostly pictures and about 20 pages long, I used those. Hell in third grade I could barely read anyways. That old bat got my last name wrong too! I think shes dead by now. When I get to hell I'll give her a piece of my mind.

3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god I am one of those stupid people who don't know the difference between the boy francis and the girl frances. I have been spelling it wrong on all of our emails. I'm sorry! That story is hilarious, it's good to see that you are not scarred from it. ( sarcasm)


3:19 PM  

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