Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Martin Luther King JR Day

  1. 1lb ground beef $2.50
  2. Bread crumbs $1. 88
  3. Onion $0.78
  4. Instant Mash potatoes $2.49

Time spent making the annual Martin Luther King JR meatloaf with my mother, Priceless.

In honor of Dr. King my mother makes her famous Martin Luther King meatloaf. Its a rather bizarre tradition that dates back......Maybe 12 years? Talking to my mom about why she originally decided to create a bust of Dr. King in meatloaf form, I learned that the idea came from her Mother. Not the meatloaf, but making special meals that are relative to Holidays.

Most people I talk to about the martin Luther King meatloaf, say its racist, but I couldn't disagree more. I believe more people should make the meatloaf and share it with their family's. Since schools are closed on MLK day , what a better way to bring up a discussion with your kids at the dinner table why Dr. King was so important than with a meatloaf that looks like him. Also the devouring of the meatloaf points out the terrible and tragic demise of Dr. King.

Yes a strange tadition, but I still enjoy it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh, good times....
i remember the MLK meatloaf well. it never looked or tasted the same way from year to year. How was this years? it looks a little small, was it a single serving meatloaf?

4:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have fond memories of the MLK JR loaf. I seem to remember the first time mom did it was when i was around 11 or so. I guess its going on about 10 or 12 years though i don't recall mom having done it every single year.

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a family member but think your mlk meatloaf is a brilliant and respectful way to celebrate the day. MLK would have laughed his ass off.

8:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! Is Mom still making that crazy thing? I only remember her making it once while I was still at home - the very first one. I had no idea the tradition continued. As I remember it, the idea came to her randomly as she had planned on making meatlof that day and had a crazy idea to make it an MLK look-a-like. I must say, that first one was a much better representation of the man than this year's creation.

8:47 PM  

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