Comic Book Guy's Real Name!
The simpsons finally gives us a name to Comic Book Guy. Ready? OK well they said it fast that I almost missed it , and then was like, hay Comic Book Guy just introduced himself without referring to himself as Comic Book Guy! Instead Flanders says "I don't think we've met before (not true) I'm Ned Flanders and Comic Book Guy replies "I'm JEB ANDERSON"
On second thought maybe I herd that wrong, but its something like that.
After 20 minutes of searching the web for message boards in Comic Book Guy fashion, I couldn't find a single post by anyone with his real name divulged! I guess Im the first one to post on this amazing revalation! I'm sure it will be up on sites tomorrow among other "Super Bowl" broo ha ha.
I'll update when i know his true name for sure.
Hmm, I must not be quite as much a geek as you ;) I didn't actually watch the episode (and if I did it would be to see Michelle Kwan embarass herself by thinking she can act. It sounds like they are going for a Matrix reference or something "Mr. Anderson"
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