Crazy Taxi
Last night my brother Jon payed one of his impropmt to visits from the City. He likes to come out at the strangest times, and only stay for a couple of hours. I always get suckered into driving him back home.
Before I dropped him off at his apartment we stopped at his favorite place Clarkes, for some coffee and discussion on time, space, physics, and what ever else we can come up with. Like you ever think that you are just a brain and eyes talking when your talking. When you talk you think only of your self as a presence or being you never think about the actual workings behind you, yourself. Let me put it this way, take away your skin and bones and imagine your brain and eyes floating in the air while you are conversing. Its weird and hard to imagine. This probably doesn't come off well in writing more of something I would have to say in person.
"I don't have any problems in the love department, I just don't have any shoppers rite now!"
Did that make sense?
Anyway my story picks up after I dropped Jon off last night. I was taking I90 home from Jons when I came across this crazy taxi. It was weaving back and forth across three lanes of open traffic. It kept going back and forth over the lines and not wanting to stay in one lane. I immediately recognized this as a potential drunk driver and dropped my speed to back off as far away from this taxi as possible. This proved difficult because the Taxi was now dropping its speed. I then thought to myself I should call the state police and get the Taxis plates, but not wanting to risk getting close to the taxi and knowing the State police probably wouldn't respond fast enough, compounded that I didn't know where the Taxi was going meaning it could get off at any exit I decided to speed past it. When I got past the Taxi I noticed it had a busted headlight, and kept my eye on it in through my rear view mirror. I noticed that the taxi was now causing other drivers problems around it. So coming up to the tollway I decided not to pay the automatic toll and go through the manual toll so I could report it to the toll guy working. Usually at the toll stops theres a state trooper hanging around in the buildings off to the side.
When I got to the toll plaza there was a line at the manual booth. The line was long enough that the crazy Taxi managed to catch up to me, and was now waiting in line directly behind me. His behavior was still erratic. When the line moved up the taxi hesitated and hung back for a minute leaving a three car gap. The taxi then lurched forward and braked hard. When it was my turn to pay I first asked the toll guy "can you call a state trooper?"
he responded in a crotchy voice "whaaaaaat?"
So I repeated my self a bit worried now that driver of the Taxi now had his window down and was over hearing my conversation
"Can you call a State trooper?"
"Whaaaaat........whaaaaat.........ya I guess I can, what would you need a trooper for?"
Not quite the response I was looking for, I guess I wanted something more like "Why yes I can, what seems to be the problem?"
"You see this taxi behind me?"
the crotchy toll guy now peers directly at the Taxi while im talking to him. I almost wanted to shout "no don't look at him!"
"well hes been driving all crazy, hes all over the road and cutting across three lanes of traffic for no reason, I think somethings wrong, can you report it?"
The crotchy toll guy then looks at me with this bewildered gaze as he takes my money.
"Ya I'll check it out" as he hands me my change.
I then thought to myself, you'll check it out! I wasn't aware that you were now an authority on DUI's!
well that didn't go how I thought it should have. What should I expect from a state employee on the graveyard shift who probably drinks on the job himself. I wonder if the toll guys have some social responsibility or incentive to report drunk drivers? I did my part by telling a state agent of a potential hazard to other drivers, so if something did happen he would have been held responsible. For all I know he did report the Taxi, or he didn't, I sped away swiftly so the Taxi couldn't follow me. I wonder if I should write a letter about this to the State?
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