Groundhog Day=Mandy's 30th Birthday
Ah nothing like a holiday to surve as a reminder of a birthday. Wish my birthday was on a hilday.......people still would have forgotten about it. Never the less I try to be a good sibling and called my sister Amanda (the name she goes by in Florida) early this morning around 8am Florida time, to get her before she went to work. Turns out she doesn't get up for untill 8:30, and was a bit grogy and upset I woke her up. She still managed to say thank you and gave me a belated happy birthday. Our conversation was short but she was sleeping, so I let her be. I got a voice mail from Lord Dingus around 8:45 pm reminding me to wish my Sister a happy birthday, but I had already beet him to the punch! Silly Dingus how could I forget, Trix are for kids!
As far as groundhog day goes Punxsutawny Phil saw his shadow at 7:31Am meaning 6 more weeks of winter. I watched Phil live on Good Morning America. It was interesting to watch becuase there was a huge crowd all screaming. Then the speach given by the grand puba or whatever hes called was like 20 minutes long. After it was decided Phil saw his shadow the crowd then burst out in a giant boooo and almost looked like they were going to start throwing things. There was also an interesting show on Animal Planet showing the history of the groundhog and all the other less recognized groundhogs from around north America that predict the weather. The Funiest one is the Canadian albino groundhog .
On a side note I have to go back to the Dr tomarow at 8am to have him tell me that my ear is ok and pay 65 bucks! I would have cancelled the apointment but I forgot and my mom tells me even if I don't show they will still charge me. Thats ok I need to go out that way anyways, I have to get some info on plan D! Thats right plan D is real.....or is it?
My brother and I have birthdays 9 days apart so we never forget the others...though my dad sometimes inverts them.
I'm glad the little bastard saw his shadow, we haven't had a sufficient winter yet here, though we may be about the only region that hasn't.
what? andrew saw his shadow? that means we'll have 6 more weeks of whiney bitches!!! take that suckas!!!
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