Resolved: Biggie Was a Better Rapper Then Tupac
My first assignment in my argument and debate class was to debate this statement. I had the affirmative which meant I had to defend the fact that Biggie was a better rapper. At first I couldn't believe that a professor would assign such a seemingly ludicrous topic. So I spent all of yesterday plowing through countless sites devoted to Biggie, AKA notorious B.I.G. and Tupoc. Through my research I learned all about the whole East coast West coast wars, and the bad blood between the two greatest rappers of all time. Unfortunately for both, they were both assassinated a few months apart.
So how do you quantify whos a better rapper? Well style, and entourage aside, I took the simple route, (not accounting for poor taste in music) that whomever sold the most albums would undoubtedly hold the title of rapper supreme. Fortunately for my defense It would turn out that Biggie sold the more albums, and was the first artist posthumous to have two singles go platinum. The debate itself went so so. I think I managed to do a pretty good job, but I wasn't on the offensive enough. I should of challenged my opponent when he gave mere opinions why Tupoc was a better rapper. I guess I mostly didn't care to, I haven't been feeling up to putting the extra effort lately, that and standing in front of 20 strangers made me feel as if my heart was going to jump out of my chest! Plus I was talking about a subject I knew nothing about to a class of half black heritage, all of whom look like they crawled out of the ghetto to come to class. It was one of those subconscious things where I kept staring at all the black kids in the class as I spoke hoping to get some incling of approval that I was indeed on the right track and not making a mockery of one of their icons. Maybe I think about these things too much but I think I saw a few heads bobbing in approval.
I'm not to sure when I get to find out my grade, but the few words my professor exchanged with me after the debate lead me to believe I did all right. Now to start on the main event
Resolved: Wire tapping.....
you suck you cocksucker fucking germen go fuck yourself bitch
WOW those are some pretty harsh words, I hope thats a play on the violent and crude language gangsta rap uses. If not, it is a well known fact that I do suck and am of German heritage, although I don't see what that has to do with anything? Either way everyone is entitled to their opinions regardless of how well articulated they are. Thanks for the feed back and I'll try not to be such a "cocksucker fucking German" in the future.
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