Am I Losing My Mind Or Is It Just Me?
Now normally I would say "Yes Francis you are!" but that's me thinking im losing my mind so in fact I wouldn't be because people who are losing it, don't know there losing it! Or so I believe? Anyways I find my paranoia increaseing. I've been alone before, but something about this house, this neighbor hood, the atmosphere, and my isolation from people at the wee hours of the night, has got me all wound up. I keep thinking someone is going to break in and try to kill me, this keeps me at a state of agitation. I almost feel like walking around my house with a knife in hand. Sound crazy? To top it off I keep hearing footsteps around the house like someone is here. Could just be the cat?
The straw that broke the camels back was yesterday around 7am. I was taking a crap in the bathroom (where else) when the MulchanaCat started going all crazy. He began pawing at the bathroom door and meowing all crazy. I kept yelling at him through the door to shut up leave me alone and I was busy! I ended up throwing a magazine at the door to make him go away. All was quiet for a minute or so then I herd him start these holing screams I had never heard before. It almost sounded like he was in the basement. When I finished up and walked out side to see what the hubub was about . The MulchanaCat was pawing at the back door, ok he just wanted to go out real bad, but I could here the recluse wild cat my ma keeps in the basement crying. What was that all about? So as I walked towards the basement door, I began to hear something other than the cat? It was my Dads radio, it was on? Now I've been home by myself all week and this damn radio hasn't gone off once! So it couldn't have his been the alarm clock? Well lets just say I was pretty freeked out! This just reinforced my theory that something non-human or other worldly is dwelling in the basement! Instead of investigating I decided it best to close the basement door stack some crap against it and go into my my bedroom and lock the door. I'm getting goose bumps just sitting here typing this, knowing I still haven't ventured downstairs to challenge my fears! Although the radio is no longer on? I am still a bit scared. Here I am a 24 year old half grown man (not quite a full man yet) and I'm afraid of the boogy man! I am tempted to just go down there and call out the demon so we can settle this once and for all.
Now normally I don't believe in evil spirits, ghost, and all that other crap Art bell talks about on Coast to Coast AM, but like I said I've been on edge for no good reason. There's nothing to fear but fear itself! Ya but fear is just so frightening and......Fearful! Unrational fear sucks! So am I losing it or what?
I know I'll blast the spirits out with some good ol fashioned Rock-N-ROll or a challenge like in crossroads! Its time to dance with the devil!
Or it would be cool if there was some kind of vortex that lead to another dimension and their was this dying race that needed me to help free them from the Tierney of an evil war monger, and I came back through the portal and I was 35 and it was only three weeks later! Yeah I've been watching to many of my 80's movie classics. can you name four 80's films with those plot elements?
you need to be on some medication, francis. maybe some xanax? as for the radio, if you didn't check it out you won't know wether or not it is an evil demon. i told you to leave all the lights on in the house. everyone knows bogeymen are scared of the light. its not like you are paying for the electricity anyways..
Yeah, I always get a bit more mental when the house empties out.
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