Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Social what's?

What's up with Gwen Stefani, I mean, when did she start to suck? Ok some of you will be like "when? She already sucked!" I thought she was alright when No Doubt first broke through into the main stream. Well its been a while....a long time since I stopped to watch mTV, but scrolling through the channels I stopped on Gwens latest video for her new......solo album? Maybe its old, or new, I have no idea? Anyways when did she go solo, and what the fuck has she done to herself and her career? I mean this was the worst song I have herd in a while, "Rich Girl" and the worst video I have ever seen. Unless this shit, that's what it is, was meant to be like this than it would still be shit. I don't know who produces this garbage, but the kids today must be eating it up, or there would be no other reason for its existence. Now "You All Everybody" that's a great song!

Whats up with Hunter Thompson shooting himself? Ok maybe that one explains itself, but still I thought he was just crazy from all the drugs, not suicidal. Gidget died today too!


Blogger Bondo said...

Haha, I don't know if her solo stuff sucks, Rich Girl included. But I do like it in the context of the Pepsi/iTunes commercial because there are some fine looking ladies on it, Gwen included.

1:20 PM  

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