Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentines Day

Ah, love is in the air for those of you with significant others, at least on this superficial day! For those of us without anyone, its just another day with no pertanance at all. Except we save a little coin, no flowers or candy from us! I could have worked today and made a little extra cash, but instead I optioned to stay at home and sleep. Sleep I did, till 11pm! Just another waisted day for me, except for one little text message from my X-Girlfriend!

Well I shouldn't call her that, because acording to her we were never boyfriend and girlfreind. We were just "seeing eachother" for 5 months!
She needed to beable to slut around without feeling guilty. Thats ok, I was just happy to be getting a little nookie and so she can take that cookie and shuv it up her ass!

Anyways it was.....three years ago, I want to say, or was it two? Gina and I hooked up on Valentines day. Which, ironically, she had a boyfreind at the time who was trying to get a hold of her. Gina had this abillity to shoot through my shighness over girls and say "you going to kiss me or what?" Brutaly honest, but hay it worked. I never quite knew what she saw in me, I beeing a bit strange and nerdy, if you couldn't tell from reading my post, and she being "HOT" in a sluty stripper kind of way. Well she was a stripper and came with all the bagage that goes with it. But getting some tang, like I said, can make a man put up with crap.

We never officaily called it quits, we just kinda stopped talking to each other. Yet we still talk every couple of months, usually when she brakes up with one of her real "BOYFREINDS!" Just to tell me her woes and whats shes up to and how she misses me, yadda yadda yadda, but I don't care becuase I'm not getting any nookie from her. Now if I was, I would pretend to give a damn.

Anyways heres her text message
Happy Valentines day i still have the card that you gave me from before xoxoxo lets get togather soon!!!

To be honest I don't remember giving her a card, although I am a cheasy romantic! To bad I can't meet a girl that appreciates it! I do remember giving her a chockolate rose, only because it was cheaper than real rose's and I didn't think anything would come of it. I love how she said from before. Meaning she doesn't remember when that was. Well its still nice that she thinks of me, I guess? Should have called her up and asked her to come over, seeing how the parents are out of town.

On a differant note the basement is no longer haunted. My brother Jon made me go down there and confront my fears. I just turned on all the lights, and the strange activity seems to have stopped. This allowed me to start doing laundry again. speaking of which tonight was filled with a lot of cleaning, the parents are returning home tomarrow/today. Well they should be home by the time I get home from work tonight. As creepy as it was being home by myself, I dont look forward to the return of "FRANK!" Also, I think all this agitation I have been experiencing comes from not being able to vent my frustrations to my momothma. Thus all the blogging I've been doing this past week. Well, that coupled with bordom. Lost interest in CS:S (hard to believe) Sid Meier's Pirates, and Full Spectrum Warrior.


Blogger Bondo said...

I had mentioned selling my Xbox when I did my top Xbox games list a couple weeks back. Just decided I needed to get rid of one of my systems and the Xbox was the top candidate. It paid for my taxes.

The last two V-Days I had a cash sponge, otherwise known as a girlfriend. I sent her gifts both times and she didn't reciprocate really. And damnit, I didn't even get nookie. It was a horseshit kind of relationship, and while she used me, it wasn't even a worthwhile sort of being used.

11:56 AM  

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