Spider Haven!
God do I hate spiders! Some how my bed room has turned into some kind of spider magnet. Over the course of the last week 5 spiders have wandered into my room, crawling along my walls and ceiling!
Spider #1 spotted crawling above my bed! I was about to fall a sleep while laying on my back, when I peered up at the ceiling only to discover nasty little black eyes staring back at me! Do to the proximity of my bed to ceiling ratio thanks to the loft, The nasty little beastie was only three feet from my face! Not wanting to kill, I have a place in my heart for all of gods creatures, I mearly wanted to swat it to the ground, unfortunately my swat ended up crushing beady eyed monster.
Spider #2 spotted crawling by my closet while I was watching TV with my brother Jon. Very odd another spider had invaded my my living quarters! this spider I was sure to capture and release back into the wild. Unfortunately the wilderness out doors was a cumbersome 20 degrees. Well that's natures way. After some bungling with a cup and a piece of paper I had captured it, and out the back door it went. I don't feel as guilty as I would just strait out squashing it.
Spider # 3, 4, & 5 All came in days of eachother and were all spotted in the same vicinity climbing on the walls next to my computer (use spooky ghost voice) in the den of despair! Now when the 3rd one appeared I was like Ok I have had enough of this spider business, and simply squashed it with a piece of paper. Then the next day I was typing away at one of my post when another spider came crawling down the same wall. Now I was getting a bit concerned as to where all these damn spiders were coming from. What, did a spider nest hatch in my room? I ruled that idea out because these weren't tiny baby looking spiders, these were bigger grown looking spiders! Now as I sat down to type this post about all this spider business along comes another spider! He to succumbed to a hopefully pain free squashing of the human kind. I look at it as survival of the fittest, and this bunch of care free, I am going to crawl all over this guys wall so he can see me and piss him off, type of spiders, obviously needed their gene pool wiped.
A search of my premises turned up nothing. I couldn't find a crack anywhere for which these not so cunning dwellers of the dark could have entered from. My only guess is there coming up from the basement some where. I did some research on these little pincer faced pests, and they seem to be whats called "Cellar Spiders!" Let me tell you, it was no easy task sorting though pages of spider photos. Especially knowing that at any time one could come waltzing down my wall, made the hair on the back of my neck stand up! Hopefully there wont be a next time, but if I see another, I will make sure to snap a pic.
hey, i might be moving back home for a while. things aren't working out here. maybe you and i could get an apartment together in a couple of months...
Since I'm in the basement I tend to get a decent amount of bugs, spiders in particular. I find only one exists at a time so killing accomplishes little. They leave me alone and I leave them alone. Though I must say it was a bit freaky when I suddenly noticed a centipede crawling on my leg.
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