Pops McGee And The Brothers Three

On the eve of my Lil bros (far left) departure to CU for his masters in aerospace engineering (hes got the mug of an astronaut), we all went out for one last hurrah. My Older bro (left), of Future Ghost Me fortitude, Drunklestilkskin (middle) himself and Oldest bro (right) can't help but flick off the camera.
It was an odd way to bid farewell to my little bro. I don't drink, and I (not pictured) am not particularly fond of Drunklestinkskin. Still its nice to have all of us brothers together in one place. All though we're all sort of odd in our own respect, so its hard to get a conversation going. Its even tougher when your father is three sheets to the wind and not making much sense. I feel sorry for the old man, because it seems the only way he can have any sort of conversation with his sons is when he's drunk. Though the same can be said for my oldest bro who gets just as odd and outlandish when he drinks as my father and is equally as reluctant to

As far as the night went it was rather bland. The local establishment, Time Out, was barely as busy as it should be for a Thursday. Thursday is Karaoke night, and usually draws quite the crowd. Unfortunately the crowd it drew tonight, was the one that couldn't hold a note if their life depended on it. Now it takes balls to get up in front of a crowd of people and sing, it also doesn't hurt to have a few drinks of liquid courage first, which can make bad singing even worse. I couldn't do it, if thats what your wondering, but I am not a singer,nor do I like to pretend I am when Im at a bar. There was one girl in particular that I think permanently damaged my inner ear with her piercing note. (Pops looks like a monkey)
My older bro said the loud and terrible Karaoke was giving him a headache, that and he thought the Jack and Coke he was drinking tasted watered down. So he made an early retreat back to the house. He didn't miss much after he left. Just more bad singing and my oldest bro getting drunker. I said hello to a few people I saw, but I more or less found myself doing what I used to do when I frequented the bar. Just sitting at the bar thinking about my life and staring at others. I prefer to be in a quiet setting where I can talk with those I'm with as opposed to having to scream over terrible music.
I still made the most of the situation and had a good time persae. I will miss my lil bro, I had just gotten used to him being back. It was just like old times. He still remembers all our old sayings and little expressions that go right over everyone else's heads. "Call-to-Jon!" So its sad to bid him farewell. I guess its me still trying to hang on to being a kid. I am very proud of my lil bro and he's turned into a great, dare I say "Man." He's got a great future ahead of him. I wish him the best of luck, but I know him, he won't need my wishes, because he's got the skills!
Click on the pick to enlarge it, the old man looks so funny!
Lol, surprisingly, at the place I go for karaoke more regularly, there aren't too many bad singers...and a few exceptional ones. For every case of ear rape you have two average songs and two stellar songs. That is definately a good ratio.
So, bro's off to the Granola Republic of Boulder this week as well, maybe I'll run into him sometime.
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