Friday, August 05, 2005

Opportunity Knocking

It has been quite the interesting week, and a time for reflection on my life. The loss of the girl, has caused me much confusion. How could something that felt so right, not be? The feeling of loss extends beyond her. My own life is lost once again. I don't know where I am or what I should be doing. All I know is I have a wonderful opportunity to reinvent, and find myself. Very scary stuff! I mentioned in a post before how I thought I would travel across the country and write a book. Well this is idea is starting to look less and less like a pipe dream of mine and more like a reality. As of now the plans are in the works to start my USA-trek. Its all starting to fall together. I have the money, no bills to worry about, no girlfriend, and well basically no good reason not to. I got nothing going on in my life, and everyone I talk to about it seems to think its a good idea, except for a select few. The only thing I want to do is buy a used van to sleep in for the long trip. I plan on sleeping in truck-stops and rest areas to avoid wasting money on hotels. My Ford Escort is a little tiny and very uncomfortable to sleep in. But my buddy Doug made a good point to me today, "what would you rather do? Travel the country in a car you know would make the trip? Or travel in a van you would being worrying about breaking down, but you could sleep in while you wait for the tow-truck?" I guess the one I know would make the trip. Sometimes you got to make do with what you got, even if it means sacrificing comfort.

I've been concocting this dream since I read the book Into The Wild
Some how I identified with the character, although we come from very different lifestyles. I found the idea of throwing all you know out, and all you have away, and just going out and finding what awaits you sort of romantic. Well I won't being doing that, but an adventure definitely awaits me.

To show I'm serious about all of this, I purchased a Dell Inspirion 6000 laptop with wireless connectivity. I plan on Blogging from the road, which I plan on creating a new blogg specifically for. I am excited but at the same time scared shitless. I don't know where the hell I'm going except west. I have a few ideas, but mainly its up in the air. If there ever was a time for such an adventure now is it. Fuck'n A


Blogger Bondo said...

There is a good chance that with time you'll look back and wonder how you felt so sure about her.

Your journey sounds fun. I've sometimes considered taking a roadtrip of that nature but I never feel I have the time or funds or will.

9:19 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

Hey boy-o, you coming to California? Might as well come to Monterey, I could show you around and give you a couch to sleep on. I always wanted to do the "drive West" thing(instead I flew and my cousin got to drive my car out.)
I read "On the Road," and though I hated the misoginy, I loved the idea of the freedom to explore.
Sounds like your life and mine are at parallels.
I think the military has decided to give me a temporary job in Sacremento (but I've fallen in love with Monterey). Let me know when you are leaving....

2:15 PM  
Blogger franswiggidy said...

Thank you, you're too kind. I have tentatively planned to leave September second but I am in no rush to get to the west coast in any predetermined time. Just taking it as it comes. Although a place to have a tour guide would be great. Not to mention a place to crash. I'll have more time to to figure out the details in the next couple of weeks and keep you informed of my future travel plans through Cali.

3:16 AM  

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