Monday, September 20, 2004

Anew Preoccupation

Well if your woundering why it's been a few days between post, I've been busy with Beyond Good and Evil for the Xbox. Interesting story about how I got some of my stuff resetup after my mother decided to move her room back up stairs, out of the basement, and disolving my once great rumpas room. I never got to experience the rumpas room's full potential, no thanks to a house guest from Vegas that took up residence for nine months when he was only supposed to stay for two weeks ruining a perfectly good couch by permiating his smell into the very essence of the couch fibers that the only alternative was to give him the couch when he finaly moved out! More on that another time. As for the moving a 30" flat screen TV (nonplasma thin wall kind, but the heavy non HD kind), I had to enlist a drunken coworker by tempting him with a six pack of Budlight left over from the night I was tempted to drink (he was dissapointed to learn it was warm beer I gave him, but he was drunk when we moved the TV, so he took it anyways). With my plans on the back burner for moving out of my parents house at this juncture, and my saving for my ultimate gaming PC born from the bowls of hell, a gaming machine so primevil, its very power source runs on a vortex core of human souls, or so I hope, at least thats how my Bro tells me its going to be built. I'l get a list of components from my bro and post those later, I dont know anything about how to work a computer, besides the internet, and this blog. True story, my brother Jon can testifie to that. So back to setting up the TV, it was laying dormant on the ground in my little brother Andrews old room for the past 4 months (no sense setting it up if your planning on leaving) but since my attempts at escaping the cone of depression that is this life force sucking house failed, and coupled with my plans falling through, I decided to just set the Xbox and TV up along with some cable three days ago. Now I remember the true reason behind leaving the TV be, I had that damn research paper to write and didn't want any distractions, nope it was the first reason never mind, if that were true then I wouldn't have been playing all those NES roms' leaving the papper to the last minute (still got an A). So once again back to the story. With just the shell of my former entertainment center set up (lacking DVD player, VCR, reciever 5.1 suround sound including subwoofer, theater set up) I set out to purchase Beyond Good and Evil (if your not familiar with the game check this link

Why this game? It came with high recomendations from Greg Sewart, a former EGM editor who now thinks he can make video games or so the inside joke goes. I frequent his blogg from time-to-time leaving comments, because thats what I do now that I don't drink, comment on stuff I read. In one instance about a comment on videogame sales or something (look it up in his archives I think under too many games) he suggested that I check out Beyond, a game that had much aclaim from reviewers, but sold poorly. So Now with the tube and Xbox ready to go I went in search of this title, which was no easy task I might add. I first headed over to the local Game Stop to see if I could pick the game used for cheap. Unfortunatly this was a no go, they didn't even have a nonused copy. The guys there were even nice enough to call three other Game Stops in the area to see if they had it, no such luck. I then went to the Best Buy right next door, and they didn't have it. next up Stratford Square mall. I Stopped In Ellectronics Boutique first, they didn't have it, and they sent me to Software Ect. I like Software Ect. better anyways, I don't know why, I just do. I was in luck, they had it, and for only $20 brand spank'n new! When I went to the counter to purchase it, the clerk told me it was their very last copy. He then further noted that he rarely sees this game sold used, and that after they dropped the price on it (nation wide I assume) people began buying it up. I love it when the guys at the game shop know their video game shit, unlike those dolts that work for game stop, "ah whats it called again, never heard of it, what system is it on?" Maybe its the honesty you get from the guys at Software Ect. why I prefer them over EB and the others, then again could just be the store setup. Unlike at Best Buy where "we dont have it, but have you tried Enter The Matrix? It rocks!" I'll never fall for that mistake again. Any ways, the clerk was realy cool and suggested that when I was done with it to come back and try out Fable. He told me, he already had some stick time (gamer code for playing videogames)with it, and that it was deffinatly worth checking out, he even suggested renting it first to test the waters. I like that, not trying to sell me shit by giving me some inside scoop, although not knowing him or what genre he plays/likes, his oppinion could amount to a hill of beens.

New game in hand, I would have to wait 7 hours before getting some intamite time with it, a I had to work the closing shift that night. After an argiousely slow shift at the Lone*Star, I was entitled to some videogaming nookie. The kind you play strait for 14 hours, only resting for pee brakes and trips to the fridge for Coke. I inserted the game into the Xbox and took inventory.
Preplaying piss: check
Coke: check
Ashtray: check
Uncomfortable chair: check
Unconfortable possition in chair causing bad posture: check
I was ready to goe. As the Game booted up, my eyes were fixed to the creen, when a very gasp causeing message apeared before me. Your Xbox is having internal problems please call Microsoft tech support. What the fuck? What is this? I have never seen that apear before! hoping it was a small issue I pressed the open button, when the tray made this crunching noise as the game came out. That doesn't sound good I said to myself. Damn it! I just got everything set up, and barrowed back my Xbox from my older brother Chris's house. Thats right, I lent Chris my Xbox so he could play Steal Battalion on his massive (I want to say 60" or it could be bigger) HDTV. By the way I must add, thats how the game was intended to be played, or all games period. I then tried to close the tray, more grinding noises were emitted from the machine and the droor refused to close. With some good old fasioned finagleing and persuasion, I mannaged to get the damn thing to shut. It worked, and the game booted up as normal. Now for the review. Let me point out the game was short or I'm just too good, either way thats why I'm back to blogging. To be continued....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey bro, I heard fable sucks. Check out this post about halfway down. I think they tell you some interesting things that will make you want to rent it first. And I bet chris broke your xbox just like he broke jon's GI joe tank a long time ago.

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah i know, i left out the link.

5:15 PM  

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