Wednesday, April 13, 2005

A New Hip

My mother went back under the knife today. The operation was to fix her limp. Shes had her limp, her whole life. She was born with a messed up leg, which some say is due to my grandpa beating my dear Nanna, or it has something to do with the tumor she had growing along side my mother in her woom. It's one of those things that the cause has a different reason depending on who you ask. Anyways my got the other hip done last........August? She got her good hip done first now she's getting her bad hip done.

So the operation consist of the Dr going in cutting some bone replacing the hip and the socket and then pulling the whole leg down four inches! Well its safe to say the whole process went off, but not without a hitch. Now if I was speaking to my dad I would ask him how things went, unfortunately I have to pick up all my information second hand via the tellephone game. So, I'm told that the Dr was a little to optimistic, and he ran into a little more work than he thought. The operation took a little over four hours, a lot longer than the initial 2 hours the Dr quoted. But according to the Dr the whole thing was a success!

So today a new mother was born. It will be odd too have her be, for a lack of a better word, normal. All I've ever known was a mother who waddled around. I remember being embarrassed of her limp when I was younger. The kids at school always asked me why she was that way. So I devised a devious lie, proclaiming that my mother was a nurse in Vietnam and sprung a trip wire that made a bed of spikes fly up, smashing her hip. This is no bull! Kids are so stupid that they believe crap like that, then again why would anyone make up such an extravagant lie. Now that I think about it I couldn't even tell you why I was so embarrassed by her limp.

Well when I was talking to my mother last night why she was getting this operation? Her answer was " because everyone else wants me to." In my Moms family, you can't be broke! Its unacceptable that you don't work right. Thats why my Grandpa can't come to terms with loosing his vision at 93. It will be interesting to see how she will deal with her new found normal walking. I know it will be very difficult at first, and it must be scary as hell knowing you have to rely on your drunk husband and crummy kids for help. Yeah, we're not very good at going out of our way to help others. But on the reverse side, when My mom is all better she can finally WALK away from all of this.

God speed Limp Lego! Hello, One Who Walks Normal. Already working on new niknames.


Blogger Bondo said...

Well, if your mom is at all close to my parents in age, she at least was old enough to have been the right age to be a nurse in Vietnam.

7:43 PM  

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