Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy "Jesus Was A Zombie" Day

ah Easter with the family. Should be a happy time, but when you get 4 generations of Myers together you see where your insanity comes from!

I spent the drive over to my aunt and uncles house with my grandfather, great aunt, and mother. My father opted out of coming with, by claiming that he had a cold. Not having spoken to him in over three months, its hard for me to know if this is true or not. Although he hasn't been to the Bar in 4 days.

My grandpa is a staggering 93 years old, although he barley looks a day over 75. His hearing and eye sight are starting to go, but his mind and spirit are still sharp. After spending the day with my grandpa I thought to myself, if I new my grandpa back when he was young, we may have been good friends.

My great aunt Meriul is my grandpa's sister and never stops talking. I tried to be nice with my phony "uh huhs" and "wow" or " yes!" Although in a strange way I actually enjoyed her company for once. After years of despiseing going over to her parties, I was surprised for not having wished I was someplace else.

Now for my other great aunt Lou. She is also a staggering 93 years old. Now my grandpa was married to her sister. According to Lou, her life has been hard. But my grandpa was relentless in his persecution of her. Claiming her sob story's are nothing more than that. After all, he has known her for over 70 years. Hard to get away with lies about your life when a witness to it is still alive.

The cousins 3.......Where to begin? Seeing how my cousin Steve was only one to come up to me and say hello, I have no interest in ever seeing any of them ever again! Now granted they all have 3 kids of their own that they where busy with, but still I was in the same fuck'n room and they didn't even make a gesture or a peep in my direction. My cousin Tara never even came near me! When it came to say goodbyes none of them came to the front room to say goodbye to any of us! Fuck them! I still Like my aunt Bobbie. oh and I think my cousin Steve's kids are retarded! They hid and coddled under their mother like an ostrich with there heads in the sand. The only family there was immediate. I don't think my brother and I where ever that bad?

The food we ate was sub par at best. Since everyone was so busy with the kids we got to eat cold food. Not good, but not terrible it just tasted like....plane old turkey and ham. Where was the lamb?

So why go through all this just to complain about it. Why didn't I just stay home? Why go through all the bother? Well because I thought it would be something it wasn't. Mostly to make my Mom happy! After talking with my elders, I learned that complaining is in my blood, and it goes way back and probably farther than I can ever imagine.

God Bless NANNA, it was 15 years ago march 25 that she passed on into gods glory.


Blogger Bondo said...

FWIW, for every them not coming up to say hi to you there is a you not going up to say hi to them.

I have a few family members I don't really like. One of my uncles always seems to sneer about me because I think he sees me as spoiled, being a city-kid rather than a rural dweller. But I generally like my relatives.

3:39 PM  

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