Monday, March 14, 2005

Franci Is That You

I received a surprise call from a long lost friend today. Ah Mariely, my beautiful, or should I say gorgeous friend from when I worked at Disney World. Surprisingly Mariely is the only one from that era I still talk to from time-to-time. Although she changed her cell phone number a couple months back, and never gave me her new one, so it was up to her to stay in touch with me. Its a bit odd that she called, because as of late, I had been thinking about her on a whim. You know, the kind of thought that passes through your head unexpectedly, like; I wonder how Marielly is.....oooo South Park is on!

So it is a surprise when she calls to tell me it was some strange act of God that my number got dialed. As I would discover through the course of our conversation that she has found Jesus! Thats right, she has found Christ almighty, and he has come to save her from her destructive ways. Turns out, since the last time we spoke about eleven months ago, Mariely had been sliding down a slippery slope. Now I didn't talk to her for long, I was about to eat dinner, so I only got the gist not all the details.

Since the last time I spoke to her, I was still drinking and she was unhappily living with her dad, and working for Hooters, all the while going to fashion School. Since then, she moved out of the apartment her dad had annexed from her and she some how got coerced into stripping/dancing! Now I would have payed to see that! She wasn't stripping at no dive either. Apparently, according to her, it was Tampa's finest gentleman's club! If you saw her, you would believe it. Then she got mixed up with some drug dealer who was buying her nice things, and throwing wads of cash at her. Unfortunately that didn't last long because he was doing other chicks on the side, and was an asshole. Mariely is also the jealous type, so who knows. She also aint the brightest either. Being beautiful, and not so smart is a recipe for guys to take advantage. When I say take advantage I mean tell you shit that you believe just so they can due you. Sometimes I wish I was that kind of guy, alas I cant use people for self gratification. Stupid mom ruining me! She started this quasi lesbian party life aat clubs around town. What I mean by that, is getting drunk at clubs and making out with other chicks, to show off. So what made her decided she had enough of this life style?

Well as odd as it is, she explained first, that she was a bad stripper. She could sit there naked no prob, but couldn't hustle men for money. You see, if Mariely doesn't like you, than she don't want to know you. This can make that kind of work difficult. She also felt bad about taking money. ya got me there? Stripping also made her feel dirty, the kind that you can't wash off. Then the iceing on the cake was, she got her purse stolen from a club. I know, that doesn't make any sense either. Well, it all makes perfect sense to Mariely, it was God telling her to change her ways.

So she started going to church, got a new job, and ditched the guy. she also quit smoking and drinking. Sounds a lot like someone I know.

As surprised as I was by her tale, she was equally surprised with mine. Are we maturing?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

first off, marielly wasn't that pretty. secondly, she was dumb as a post. and finally, i'll take odds that she'll be doing some other crazy shit in a couple of months. "francy, francy, is that you?" but i guess she's a nice girl and i really wish the best for her.

5:27 AM  
Blogger franswiggidy said...

What are you talking about, Mariely was/is Hot! Dumb as a post, true, but she's just nieve about men.

I give her props, shes managed to be on her own since she was 17. Remember my storys from when I visited her family in the gehto of Milwaukee! can't say the same for myself.

The end of your comment some how seems to contradict the first half. Its like your insulting her, then your saying all that shit a side, Shes cool and I wish her the best? Odd. She will be in my prayers, that is if I prayed.

9:09 AM  
Blogger Bondo said...

I've been so affected by the Lutheran restraint of my upbringing that going wild is a bit beyond me. Unlike you two (from the sound of it) I need to actively become less mature or restrained rather than more. Good that she is sorting herself out, even if I think religion is a big mind control. I guess if someone is naive enough to buy into religion it is for the best because from my view, religion can make for a more peaceful inner existance rather than existential angst of non-belief.

10:23 AM  

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