Grey Mulken
Stupid cat costing me a fortune. Today I took the the Grey Mulken to the vet for his annual check up and vaccinations. I loathe going to the vet. Every time I go its like going to talk to a car mechanic. Their always trying to upsell you on something. I mean, why not stick a jack under the cat get out the flashlight and start pointing out what should be done, but isn't necessary, but is highly recommended!
So I go in to get $40 worth of shots, and up spending $200! My cat gets better health care then me. Since the mulchanicat is an outdoor cat, he is susceptible to all sorts of diseases and parasites. So I got him dewormed, frontline for flees, rabies vaccination, distemper (I thought that was the same as rabies?), and then blood work for feline leukemia and vaccination. Well the monkeycat got a clean bill of heath, all except he came back positive for CAT AIDS!
So the vet tells me I need to keep him inside from now on. Something about not letting him spread the virus to other cats. Well thats all good and dandy, because didn't we just get through talking about how he is "specifically an outdoor cat." I mean thats why I just had all that work done to him. Keep an outdoor cat, one that refuses to use a damn litter box, indoors! So I just shook my head and said I'll try. I know this isn't going to happen, because someone already let the cat out while I was at work. Even though I told everyone, including drunky, not to let him out! From what I can gather the FIV wont kill the monkey cat, but the vet said he will be more likely to get tumors later on in life. well when it comes to that I'll have to put him down.
Most people are all about their pets, but cats aren't my thing. I like dogs better. I miss my Cerberus, Chein! I have a lot of dreams with him in it. One felt so real I was convinced he was still alive.
Anyways most people would do anything for their pets. So I think the vet was a little surprised by my lack of concern for my cat. The Great Malenko has had a good life and a lucky one at that. From the half dead emaciated stray that showed up at our back door 4 years ago, to the livin the high life fat cat. I remember when we first got him how funny he looked because his head was bigger than his body. Eh, hes not that bad of a cat, but I have a hard time justifying spending all that money on an ungrateful animal.
I'm very much a cat person but thankfully he's been very healthy so not too much a burden.
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