Deer In The Headlights
Akin to when I look Becky in the eyes.
On my way home from work tonight I nearly rear ended a guy dodging a wounded dear in the road. It had been struck by a Domino's Pizza driver! I decided to pull up and turn on my warning flashers as to add some protection to the wounded creature. Its amazing how reluctant most people are to stop and offer help. The Pizza driver approached my car and said thank you for stopping, that every one else had just been dodging it at 45 mph. Here I am not only protecting the deer, but idiot drivers speeding past, that might have struck it causing further accidents. I know most of those driving past were probably like why is this idiot in the left lane and not pulled off to the right, then they slowed down to pass and were like oh that's why, threes a wounded deer in the road!
The poor deer, it was in bad shape, it was laying there all messed up and contorted but still alive. It almost looked like it was coughing up its guts. I felt terrible for the poor thing, and the guy who struck it. The Pizza dudes car was all messed up and leaking fluids all over the road. It was about this time I began to wonder what the hell was up with the response time of the police. I don't know if it was me or if the cops were slow to respond. When I arrived on the scene the the pizza dude was already on the phone with the cops, but now it seemed like 10 minutes had passed. Maybe its because of the imminent anticipation that I was wonder where in the hell they were.
finely a police cruiser approached and pulled into the medium. The officer got out of his car and told the pizza driver to move his car off to the side of the road. He then approach my vehicle and asked me if I could stay on the scene. When I replied yes, he told me to back my car up 15 Ft, that he was going to have to shoot the deer! My god it was horrible, I am such a pussy! This brought back memory's of when my old dog Bitsy caught and killed a rabbit in front of my eyes when I was 8.
Oh the horror! The cop shot deer once, and it cocked back then he shot it again and then quickly again. I thought it was over, then he squeezed off another round and the deer sputtered and squirmed, this prompted the officer to shoot it again. The deer was still moving so he shot it again and again. All I could think was Oh my god the deer, oh my god how many times is he going to shoot this thing. Just when I thought it was all over and I guess for safe measure he shot it again! A total of seven bullets were put into this poor deer. I guess you could chalk it up to culling the herd. Still I couldn't believe that I just saw a deer get executed in front of my very eyes!
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