Should Have Kissed Her!
Things with me and Becky seem to be picking up a bit. I mean, who can resist my charm? Becky has been talking with my friend Alok a lot. After his brothers passing he has taken up a new attitude with wanting to hang out all the time. This is quite different from his old hermit self even before his brothers passing.
Becky has met the whole gang and she's passed their test with flying colors. Alok likes her a lot, almost to the point where you think he has a thing for her. Anyways since Alok's been on the scene he's been inviting Becky to do things with us. He has taken up this new challenge of playing Cupid. Its a huge departure from his usual self. Becky and him have been exchanging text messages regarding yours truly. I have no idea what about, because they've been vaulted, but Alok assures me its all good.
I am a complete buffoon when it comes to actually making a move on a girl. It's not like the movies, which have taught me everything about getting a girl. Let me just say movies are not very good teachers. I have no idea when the right time is or even what to do. I prefer the chick go for it, that way I can just go with the flow. At least that's how it went with the last two lad's I was with.
Tonight I went to Fridays with Alok, The Duke, and Becky. We all hug out and had a good time. Alok seemed to be feeding Becky.... God knows what about me. He seems to think hes helping me, but if only he knew that I don't need any help because I'm so good at blowing a great opportunity on my own. After Fridays I walked Becky to her car, where by she offered me a ride to my car across the parking lot. Cool I was in, now what? See I don't know how to handle myself around chicks, and I'm so dense I can't tell when a girl is hitting on me or wants me to make a move. Then if I think I got a chance to, I get nervous. So nervous I feel like puking! And that's happened before. So I go into fight or flight mode and being the coward I am, I flee.
Well I had the perfect opportunity to make my move, and Becky even told me she relay liked me. but alas just like my inability to apply for a job, I couldn't do it. I don't know...... In retrospect, I'm an idiot, but that's nothing new. I don't think its over for me and her, I think I might have another chance. She told me that I should visit her at work tomorrow. I made a joke that it would be like the end of that movie where that dude walks into that factory grabs his chick, kiss's her, and takes her away, all while the coworkers clap. The Simpsons did a spoof on it. See thats me and the movies, any ways she thought it was funny.
Here's a quick story of how I hooked up with my last girl. I went for a walk with her and at the end of it we hugged. I said "you give good hugs" and she replied "I give better kisses" at which point I leaned in and kissed her. After that it was easy. The point is, you don't always have to make the move, you just have to be able to direct the conversation in such a way that it is 100% obvious that both of you have the hots for eachother. And then you kiss or feel her up or whatever it is that you do.
You have to act quickly!!! The window of opportunity may be closing... If you have the least bit of suspicion that she's attracted to you, then just ask her out to dinner and a movie!!! it always works!!! its easy.. just say "hey becky, how about you and me going to a movie? we could get something to eat too..."
Assume that she wants you to kiss her and touch her soft skin. Want her! Look at her and examine every movement. Check out her ass and drive yourself to the point of insanity till you HAVE to kiss her. Just make sure this takes place in 15 minutes. Then HAVE her. Let her know you are looking too. Build up some fear!
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