Ice Cream With Becky
I asked Becky out for some Ice cream the other day. I felt like Baskin Robins, but Becky was in the mood for some Oberweis http:// I can't say I've ever been to the Oberweis store, but we used to have their milk delivered to us when I was a kid. I can't recall if I've ever had their ice cream before? Becky got a double scoop brownie blast, and I got a scoop of the generic coffee ice cream. We decided it best to take advantage of the awesome night and eat outside. Now Oberweis ice cream melts like a candle next to a blow torch. I mean this cone just disintegrated in the evening air, leaving a nice sticky residue on my hand and shoes. Becky tackled her brownie Sunday like it was going out of style. When I asked to try some, she only gave me a dainty taste.
After the disaster that was me trying to eat ice cream, we went for a stroll by the fountain in Carol Stream. The beauty of the warm summer evening beside the fountain, was dwarfed by Becky's presence. I'm working on my romance lines. We strolled about until coming to a resting spot under a gazebo. This was where Becky decided that she would let me know what's up with us. Now I listened to what she said and to be honest I am even more confused as to what we are now. She told me how she's absolutely crazy about me, but that she couldn't be with me.......? Something to do with she told her self that she wouldn't get serious with someone since her X left her. I started to not listen when she got to this part.
Now I thought when two people were crazy about each other that they naturally get together? It seems for every step forward I make with Becky, she takes two steps backs as if to try to protect herself from her feelings. I am completely perplexed but at the same time I understand because it sounds like one of my old behaviors. I am at the point, where I'm so frustrated that I feel like pulling up the stakes and moving the circus that is my life. At the same time she makes want to try that much harder at wining her over? Alok describes this odd behavior as LOVE! Dun dun dunnnn. Could it be.......could I meen..........? I don't think so but my irrational behavior and loss of control over my motor skills when around her would lend itself to love or some autonomic disease.
Hmm, I'm not sure about that loss of motor skills=love thing. Usually it seems that sort of thing happens with infatuations that aren't love more...when it is love the nerves aren't there. I wasn't really all that nervous with my ex...but then she is my ex so maybe that isn't something good to go by.
She is nuts. Give her the dumpster!
Ahh, you found my old stomping grounds. I took a lot of girls to that fountain, had some special moments with Allison even. In all honesty, this girl is telling you to make a move. She's telling you she likes you and then pulling back because she's not going to do everything for you. She'll build the bridge half way and then you have to do the rest. So she's not saying she couldn't have a relationship with you she's saying "OK I like you, but now you've got to say you like me and go for me." If I'm wrong and you make the move and she shuts you down, what have you lost? For one, you're already thinking about leaving so if she rejects you and you leave, you've done the same thing, only you have something to show for it. And two, you already don't have a romantic relationship with her so if you fail you just keep not having that, but you can say you tried and you won't regret it.
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