Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Animus Magnae Via

I'm working on setting up my new blog for my trip, but I don't know If I should leave it linked to this blog through my profile or if I should make it completely separate? I think I'll leave them together so there's no hassle with trying to access them but I am a bit uncomfortable with letting everyone into my world so I may scrap my profile completely. I wish there was a way to keep them together but so you could only view one? either way if stuff starts changing around here its due to the construction of the new blog. Chose Latin for title which means very loosely translated and probably not right to The soul/ spirit of the great road/way. I think Ill go with the soul of the great road. Now to create some business cards to pass out and give me some more, what I believe confidence when approaching people to talk to. Hay I'm a "Gonzo Journalist" (thanks Erik) bla bla bla heres my card, check out my blog. I don't know sounds good to me and might make me seem more credible, then again, I have no credentials to even call myself a journalist, although I did stay at a holiday inn express last night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the correct grammar would be Animus Magnae Via, to show that great describes the road. And animus means several things translated into English, not only soul but breath and life as well. What a great title...Oh Franny, scis quid mihi placaet.

2:21 AM  
Blogger franswiggidy said...

is that Spanish? Thanks quae, for the tip, I talked to my lil bro about that the other day (he took Latin in college) and he said the same thing, although he was a bit unclear about it, So I opted to just go with Magna, but seeing how the consensus is otherwise I guess Ill go and change it.

Where are all these new people coming from who visit my blog?

3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Franny, that was all Latin. Although all the romance languages as well as English are all based upon you had the right idea. I'm looking forward to reading your book. If you need help with grammar and proofreading and all that good stuff, I know just the person who can help you ;)

1:17 AM  
Blogger franswiggidy said...

Who do you know? Is it Batman, because I herd he's good at stuff like that.

2:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BATMAN, I don't get it. Oh well, here's a thought on just a bunch of things you"ve written.
VITA INCIPIO DENUO (a new beginning)
Burn no bridges, but make new paths, keep old friends, look for new friends, live life like it's almost over, and No regrets

6:39 PM  
Blogger franswiggidy said...

Batman's an old joke from the Simpsons Monorail episode, Marge tells Homer theres someone that can help him and he keeps saying "is it Batman/"

Thanks for the kind words I must brush up on my latin, I've been trying to decipher some on my own but am not familar with the posesives and what not. Thanks for the kind and uplifting words, you all have been very nice lately.

All I can say is FUCK'N A, no regrets, hell yeah!

8:30 PM  

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