A Year Of Blogging
WOW! Can you all believe it? I made it a year! I never thought I would have kept this up for a year. Thought it would be one of those things I would loose interest in after a wile and give up on. So I take you back to my wackier days when my brother Jon says "I was funny and not so serious" http://abscessmind.blogspot.com/2004/08/my-first-blog.html#comments Sorry Jon never thought I would fall in love and turn this thing into my bitch fest for my woman woes. Still its interesting to go back through the archives and see the shit I wrote. In the immortal words of Fat Boy Slim, "you've come a long way baby." I cant help but wonder what the select few of you thought was my best post? Thanks a to everyone that reads this thing and thank who ever came up with the whole blogg-o-sphere thing. I think my favorite piece I wrote was.......I was just reading through my archives and man I think I wrote some great shit! Its to hard for me to pick just one. I like this one http://abscessmind.blogspot.com/2004/11/computer-nerds.html#comments and this
and this http://abscessmind.blogspot.com/2004/09/alex-and-me-and-hapenings-of-city.html#comments and of cores who can forget this one
Maybe in the next year Ill finally figure out how to do that insert the link thingy so I don't have these long ass link bars. Thanks to all of you that read this and I'm sure as long as I'm alive the wacky story's that happen to me won't stop. Not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing?
To do the link you put "a href=URL" within <> then type the text you want to show up and finally close it with /a also inside <>.
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