Monday, August 15, 2005

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy..........I want to say 59th? Birthday! She's not 60 yet, I know that, and shes 6 months older then Frank, so I think he's 58? Not sure. well its the thought that counts and Jon remembered, for some odd reason. We gave here a call "down in Florida, where we be smoke'n ten blunts a day!" That quotes is obscure nobody will get it. My moms been gone for the past 3 weeks down in the sunshine state helping my sis with the baby Camden. Its been a nice break from her, and I'm sure she would say its been nice being away from us men. But then if you were to ask Jon he would say that mom never left, because I just bitch as much as she did. My overall bitchyness, has been up, since I lost Becky. I am much more irritable and upset more easily. Just my misdirected frustrations.


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