The Rag-Tag "Crew" of Misfits

We all went out for one last "good time" before I leave on Saturday. starting on your left, we have Lokstro (my cohort in arms) sporting his brother inspired mohawk, then we have Jen (she doesn't have a nickname yet, although Tack wanted to call her Dogface?) her on-and-off-again-boyfriend, standing next to her Sleprock, the giant monster truck dressed up like the General Lee owner, Tack the Cat, his wife next to him the always lovely Agata, and the handsome devil on the end that looks like he came from a Bee-Gees concert, is yours truly Franswiggidy Diggs! I'm sporting a beard, because I can, one benefit to being unemployed. I got my hair cut super short, I plan on shaving it all off next week before I go. Maybe I'll post a collage of my ever transforming head. The reason for the big smile on my face is Tack grabbed my hand and is making me grab his wife's butt!
When I arrived on the scene for the picture, everybody present was all ready drunk. So they were all rowdy and being weird. Some how they all agreed to go out, but they wanted to go to the Hooters for some odd reason. Now I am kind of broke from here on out, so I was just along for the ride.
I haven't been to a Hooters since I lived in Orlando when I worked at the house of the mouse. I kind of view Hooters like going to a strip club, its kind of awkward for me. I don't know, I'm not one to go and ogle girls much. But Tack and Slep wanted to, so be it. Off we went and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The girls that were working were pretty cute, but I have no idea how they can work there in those short, shorts! I mean, every guy coming through that door is staring at your ass, and chest! I would be way to self conscience to do it. I guess maybe you get used to it. I was surprised to find a table of just women eating in there, I thought all women despised Hooters? Maybe I'm to uptight?
Anyways the wings were good, I prefer Buffalo Wild Wings, and the atmosphere, well its what you would expect from a Hooters. We all had a good time, and nobody was mad that I was mooching food from them. It wasn't until it came time to pay the bill that the trouble started. You just can't go out to eat with Slep, he always tries to weasel his way out of paying. When the bill came he got up and went to the bathroom. Lokstro decided he would pay with his credit card and everyone could just pay him what they wanted. Well Slep and his lady's share was like$12 plus tip, no biggy. So what does Slep do, he puts $11 on the table and tries to walk away. He owed $12 pluss tip?All I can say is fuck'n Slep he always pulls this shit. This is what happens every time we go out with him. Lokstro got livid and unleashed on Slep. "What the Fuck dude? You're the Cheapest fucker I know! You didn't even give me enough money for what you ordered!" It was all actually quite funny, and even funnier when Slep tried passing the buck onto me saying " what Swigg's doesn't even have any money., but nobody's yelling at him." But the consensus was that I didn't have any money from the get go so I was excluded from all this dramma. But no fear Tack came to my defense saying "last time we all went out Swigg's was the first to offer to pay for everything when the same shit happened with you trying to worm your way out of paying!" It was all to funny and Slep got defensive, "why the fuck should I tip her when all she did was bring our food from over there" as he pointed to the counter a few feet away. He then went into a rant about how when hes at work dropping parts off to the mechanics he works with, that they don't tip him. To which we all agreed if he walked around in short shorts maybe they would.
I know Slep's a lost cause when it comes to tipping. To him Tipping's a city in China (rim shot please) and not somthing he does, well. That's OK we all still like him, sometimes. That aside he still owed an extra dollar, at least ponny up and pay that. Lokstro ended up leaving the girl $13 on a $40! He says your expected to leave them extra at Hooters, because of what they wear. I agree, but never herd that before. It was definitely a good time even with Sleps antics, and one I won't forget.
Hey Franny. Just wanted to tell you that I miss you and I think about you a lot. I hope you're doing well - it certainly seems that way. Maybe we can at least talk before you leave..? I am looking forward to reading all about your (mis)adventures. But for now, I wish you 'iter itineris fortunatus'. Best of luck. Nice beard, by the by.
HA HA HA very funny, not cool as well! To who ever left this post, I do understand the complex humor behind messing with ones emotions, so I can appreciate that, but its still not nice! I won't fall for this one again. My buddy pulled a similar prank a few months back and I'm still pissed off about it.
How's that saying go, "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!"
Okay, it's not me. I'll give you that one. I'll just say, in my defense, I love pink and purple flowers and I STILL think you are the cat's pajamas. Thank you Franny. You are a king among men.
Lots of people like pink and purple flowers. "Cats Pajamas" is also a widely used term. Its also obvious that, yes, I am a king among men! So if this is who you say it is boy is my face red. Only one thing left to do.
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