Back to School

Went to go and get some business cards made up today, at the local Office Max, and couldn't help but notice the hustle and bustle of all the kids in a scramble to get there school supplies. Then I thought about how if things had been different I to would be apart of this mania to get the rite notepads, folders, and pens.
The guy working at the copy center couldn't have been older than 18 and his eyes were a glaze with the reminants of just having finished a doobie out back. He looked like Shaggy, with his long unkept hair and a few wiskers growing in on his face barley filling out a mustache and gotee. When he aproached me he talked as if it took all his concentration to know how.
"uhhhhhhh what can I do for ya?"
I took my usual phony customer stance and tone of voice, "well ya see Im interested in some business cards and I was wondering if you could help?"
He then reached down under the counter that seperated us and pulled out a large black binder. In it were an asortmant of card stock and priceings. I wasn't interested in anything fancy just the simplest they could offer for the cheapest price. Now the really cheap ones are exactly that, cheap. But feeling the hustle behind me and a crowd gathering around my young impared friends workspace, I hardly felt like standing there and finagleing with how to design my card. I simple asked the length of time from, if I placed my order, it would take. He responded with
"uhhhhhh maybe 10 days.....tops." and if sooner? "seven maybe at best?"
I then decided to venture home to their website so I could create my very own that way when I came back, there wouldnt be any chance my friend with the limited brain capacity could screw it up and that I would hold up the line like some customer that doesn't know what they want.
What do you all think?
Office Max! What a joke. You might as well get your business cards created by Boxcar Willie, the hobo that lives in trains and wears fingerless gloves and sets fires in trashcans to keep warm at night. You might as well.
Office Max aside, what do you all think of the card? If in my journeys I come across said Box car willie type, I will promptly display the card and ask him if he thinks he could do better.
hi my soon-to-be-dusty little friend. i am very near Topeka and heading west. very anxious to hook up and talk toasters (repair/maintenance/dangers thereof).
c. lowell and I have never had the pleasure, so please, take c's comments & save them for a cold, trashcan kinda night.
when packing, please - bring scotch. 15 year old or better. thanks.
hey boxcar Willie may not be a great designer, but he's one helleva kisser
Did you read my comment on 'So Ends My Dynasty'? You didn't respond to it. So you either didn't read it, or you are just lazy and ungrateful...Which is it? I'm just kidding - no hard feelings
why do I get the feeling you all belong to one mind. No sorry Lord Helmet I didn't get a chance to check your comment it got moved to the archives Ill check it now, and respond appropriately. Box car willie I hope were talking Kansas? Ill meet you there, but thats some expensive scotch your ordering up.
Mae How would you know the pleasures of Willies tong?
boy, these comments are getting creepy. i wonder if they are even human......
Shut the fuck up Jon
Harsh words, No reason to get mean.
no harm intended, just wanted to be "human" emough!
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