Zen And The Art of Driving Stick
Now Becky fancied she would learn to drive manual. So who better to ask than the guy that's head over heals for you, and also happens to drive a manual car! Surprisingly I had very little intrepidation about her learning to drive stick in my car. I guess my judgment is blinded by her, but I had a feeling she would do just fine.
We started out in a small parking lot where I explained the fundamentals of how to drive stick. What does what, how to shift yada, yada, yada. After a few engine stalls, jerky starts and chirping tires she seemed to get the hang of first gear. First gear is the toughest of all the gears, I couldn't stress this enough. She was being entirely to hard on herself, but was doing far better then me when I first learned to drive stick. Now granted I learned on a difficult clutch in my Celica, but she caught on very quickly. So quickly I was impressed. Its funny, because it took me back to when I first learned stick, and how I was terrified to go out on the streets. It took me a year of driving before I was truly confident in my skills. It took her a mere couple of hours before she had confidence over her shifting prowest.
We tooled about the night taking the back roads of the sticks. It's funny how the suburbs just end and the country takes over very abruptly. It was a phenomenal evening for a drive and I was truly ecstatic to be sharing it with Becky!
The good times wouldn't end with our drive. After we returned to her parents house, we decided it best to continue enjoying the beautiful night by taking a stroll around the neighborhood. We descended on a park were we talked and joked and shared many a laughs about our childhoods. It was like that scene in Throw Mama From The Train. There in the park was a miniature train where we sat in the engine and couldn't help but get lost in Beckys eyes. Man, am I starting to sound like a sap. Its so funny because just when I get incredible comfortable around Becky, I become aw struck from time-to-time and can't function. I get incredibly nervous and I freeze. I should have taken full advantage of this time to steal a kiss, yet I was petrified, mystified and bedazzled by her gaze. I turn into a puddle of goo and can't do a thing. Yes I do believe this is LOVE.
Man, am I fucked!
Sehr interestat. I might suggest that you delete your posts about her, lest she find out about them and become upset. Or maybe she'll find it endearing. Never write down things that you don't want people to read...
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