Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My Roommates A Real Douchebag

I don't know what his problem is, well besides he's crazy and lies all the time for no reason other than he just lies. Ok thats fine I can deal with that, but what I cant deal with is his total lack of consideration for me. I USED to be his best-friend and people always say when you move in with your friend this ruins the friendship. This isn't the case, his constant lying and his dumbgirlfiend ruined the friendship. It sucks too, cause we got along so well for the first 7 months, then his girlfriend came to town (don't even get me started on that relationship) and wammo the friend I knew turned into a real asshat, all the wile he blames me for the descent.

I can say I've gone through lots of changes the past couple of months and probably haven't been the best roommate. He put up with my wacky highs and lows. Maybe I'm the asshat. The real concern I have, well its not a concern at all, its destine to be fact is the next four months will be an interesting transition. He will graduate school and will still be attending. I already know when he graduates so long he's going to do what ever it is he does, and move back in with his mom? Regardless I know he's not going to visit me, up here. Trust me on that one. Ah I suppose thats what happens when you get a girlfriend.

Eh in a way I'm impartial. Since he's suck a dick, I really don't care at this point because of what an inconvenience he is on my life. It would seem since I no longer require him in a symbiotic relationship for strength our parting will be for the best. Shame too because I think in the long run he will miss me more than I will miss him. So go's life.

If he thinks our relationship will return to what it used to be where he comes in my room all the time and disturbs me, sadly he will be mistaken. It is fortunate that I am so phony at times I can keep a strait face of enjoyment, but inside I harbor a real hatred. Seems to be my worst quality. Perhaps now it is I that is the real douchebag.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Back to Blogging

And so I return to the blogospere. So much change in my life. Well I'm happy I mean I am really sincerely happy. Its a strange feeling. Its strange, because when your so used to feeling unhappy, its hard to imagine feeling happy. Then when you are happy its hard to imagine what it was like being so unhappy. Strange?

I've done so much in the last eight months that I am so proud of. I went back to school moved out of my parents house, got 3 new jobs, (well two if you don't count my internship with Smith Barney). I took care of my head...well its an ongoing process but I think my current dose of meds is working out great.

Whats even stranger when you "normally" you find yourself enjoying doing things, even cleaning. With my anxiety in check I can now do what I want to do without fear. This too is a strange sensation, because I can't imagine life any other way. but when you read back on my past writings, it was a former way of life for such a long time.

I have been working so hard at everything I forgot about me. I don't know if thats good or bad, but I have been constantly busy, and now......well I have a week off before school starts and I don't know what the hell to do with myself.
As I sit here idle I itch to get out and do something, but what? Just sitting back and enjoying the beautiful weather, or the calm before the storm.

Change Around the Bend

My older Brother Jon is leaving for the wilderness of Alaska. He's off to explore his destiny in a far off land. I guess I have taken his ever present, presence for granted. He was always around for me to hang with. Now he will leave into the salient sky off to a land of bears and glaciers. I'm going to miss him, but I suppose that's life moving on. taking chances and seeing places you always imagined but never thought possible.

Good Bye Jon, and hello Jon's destiny