Saturday, February 26, 2005

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Is Stealing My Life

So last week I was complaining that I was board, and had nothing better to do than write lame post for my Blog. That was then, and after a quick trip to my older Bro Jon's place I picked up a cracked copy of Roller Coaster Tycoon 3. At first I thought this game was going to be lame, but after figuring out how to do things, I quickly became drawn into it! I now spend countless hours working through the scenarios. Its weird to because the copy, or the game itself, keeps crashing on me and has all these annoying bugs, but that doesn't stop me from reloading the level and keep on play'n!

On a different note I quit smoking last Monday, and have stuck with it! So almost a week smoke free and it sucks! I feel full of energy and over anxious to use it! Very tense at the same time. The first 2 days were a killer, but thanks to RCT3 I hardly noticed/managed to ignore the feelings. Jon gave me some of his anti anxiety pills, but I feel funny about using them to quit smoking and in general because he ain't no Dr! But I have been doing fine on my own. Just like not drinking, you got to take one day at a time and make a choice, not to do it! None of that "I'm to week to control my impulses" shit!

Yesterday, when I was taking a piss, I had a weird and Zen like experience. For the first time in a long time, I was a piece with myself, and the universe. I was calm for once. This is odd to me because my mind is always all over the place, if not kept occupied by videogames or Tv. I relised that God isn't going to help you, you got to take shit into your own hands and do it. Grab life by the balls and run with them!

I am not the only one haveing profound thoughts and coming to terms with life. My bro Jon has decided to go back, or should I say take another try at college, and maybe go after his dreams. After all, he is genious, and mopping floors was a waist of his potential. Thus he has quit his Job! Unfortunately he has also decided his time living in the City has come to an end, and will be returning to the cone of evilness. No one can escape its grasp Mwaaaa huh hhhhuuuuuuuh! "How dare you enter my inner sanctum! Prepare to Die!"

Well, he had a good run but claims his money woes are causeing him to much stress and bla bla bla, I need to be rich, worlds tallest building, and give me some money!

Now back to me, I have started working out again, well, not like I used too. Ah, I remember the days when I did battle with the ogre and could over power him with my Blanka esqe mooves! but that was a long time ago, when I was at my physical peek. So instead every time I feel like a smoke, I do 10 push ups and 5 pull ups. Its going well so far. I also decided to start running again. Instead this time I am useing my Orthodic insoles, as uppon my little bros advice. So where is all this exerciseing and mental well being, going? And, what does it, or how does it fit with my plan D? unfortunatly, (like the Hit ABC show "Lost") I can't say yet, but I asure you it all fits togather........ somehow.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Social what's?

What's up with Gwen Stefani, I mean, when did she start to suck? Ok some of you will be like "when? She already sucked!" I thought she was alright when No Doubt first broke through into the main stream. Well its been a while....a long time since I stopped to watch mTV, but scrolling through the channels I stopped on Gwens latest video for her new......solo album? Maybe its old, or new, I have no idea? Anyways when did she go solo, and what the fuck has she done to herself and her career? I mean this was the worst song I have herd in a while, "Rich Girl" and the worst video I have ever seen. Unless this shit, that's what it is, was meant to be like this than it would still be shit. I don't know who produces this garbage, but the kids today must be eating it up, or there would be no other reason for its existence. Now "You All Everybody" that's a great song!

Whats up with Hunter Thompson shooting himself? Ok maybe that one explains itself, but still I thought he was just crazy from all the drugs, not suicidal. Gidget died today too!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

So It Shall Be, Out Of Respect, Little Bro

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Spider Haven!

God do I hate spiders! Some how my bed room has turned into some kind of spider magnet. Over the course of the last week 5 spiders have wandered into my room, crawling along my walls and ceiling!

Spider #1 spotted crawling above my bed! I was about to fall a sleep while laying on my back, when I peered up at the ceiling only to discover nasty little black eyes staring back at me! Do to the proximity of my bed to ceiling ratio thanks to the loft, The nasty little beastie was only three feet from my face! Not wanting to kill, I have a place in my heart for all of gods creatures, I mearly wanted to swat it to the ground, unfortunately my swat ended up crushing beady eyed monster.

Spider #2 spotted crawling by my closet while I was watching TV with my brother Jon. Very odd another spider had invaded my my living quarters! this spider I was sure to capture and release back into the wild. Unfortunately the wilderness out doors was a cumbersome 20 degrees. Well that's natures way. After some bungling with a cup and a piece of paper I had captured it, and out the back door it went. I don't feel as guilty as I would just strait out squashing it.

Spider # 3, 4, & 5 All came in days of eachother and were all spotted in the same vicinity climbing on the walls next to my computer (use spooky ghost voice) in the den of despair! Now when the 3rd one appeared I was like Ok I have had enough of this spider business, and simply squashed it with a piece of paper. Then the next day I was typing away at one of my post when another spider came crawling down the same wall. Now I was getting a bit concerned as to where all these damn spiders were coming from. What, did a spider nest hatch in my room? I ruled that idea out because these weren't tiny baby looking spiders, these were bigger grown looking spiders! Now as I sat down to type this post about all this spider business along comes another spider! He to succumbed to a hopefully pain free squashing of the human kind. I look at it as survival of the fittest, and this bunch of care free, I am going to crawl all over this guys wall so he can see me and piss him off, type of spiders, obviously needed their gene pool wiped.

A search of my premises turned up nothing. I couldn't find a crack anywhere for which these not so cunning dwellers of the dark could have entered from. My only guess is there coming up from the basement some where. I did some research on these little pincer faced pests, and they seem to be whats called "Cellar Spiders!" Let me tell you, it was no easy task sorting though pages of spider photos. Especially knowing that at any time one could come waltzing down my wall, made the hair on the back of my neck stand up! Hopefully there wont be a next time, but if I see another, I will make sure to snap a pic.

Friday, February 18, 2005

So It Begins,,,,,,,,,,,

Well Things are back to normal, by normal I mean INSANITY! I wish I lived in middle earth, where the return of the king meant shit was going to get better. Unfortunately here in Hanover Park the return of the king means Frank is back home and with him comes the cone of evilness. But if you talk to him, he'll tell you the only thing evil in this house is me!

Well it only took two days of the parents being home for the shit storm to sweep through the house. The once immaculate surroundings have now been reduced to a rat infested crack house. Ok not that bad, no rats here yet, but the house is trashed. Stuff is every where, dirty dishes in the sink and the house smells like an ashtray.

That and it didn't take Frank long to start in on me with his barrage of insults. My favorite one of his came tonight

"you got fucken attached earlobes.....eerraph....No fucken son of mine (hiccup) has attached earlobes! yoyouiy you must be the son of the devil! Your mother grph u aam must have fucked an Incubus!"

All the while my mom was standing next me. Her response was amusing

"oh Frank, I didn't sleep with an Incubus hehe"

Then Frank replied with

"you don't share my blood..... you must of, because Im looking at the son of the devil!"

Since I haven't spoken to Frank in over a month now, which I don't think he's noticed, because I don't see him until after I get off work, when hes drunk. So I just told my mother to get out of my way before I was forced to murder her husband! Well I am the devils son after all. The rage grows inside me! Maybe his slow painful death from cancer or cerosis of the liver will be enough payback. Killing him quick is what he wants, letting him die of his own devices is torture enough. Ok so this paragraph makes me sound a bit off, but im mad damn it!

My mom likes to tell me "oh your fathers sick, he's an ALCOHOLIC" and likes to leave all these books on alcoholism lieing around my room for me to read. Yeah I know hes a drunk, but does he have to be an asshole to? I know some alcy's and there pretty benine not full of rage and insults towards their family's. Well then every one at the bar seems to think my father/Frank is a great guy and wow your dad rocks, he knows everything. He plays a lot of trivia and scores in the 20's out of the hole nation! If you Play NTN then theres a good chance you've seen his name in the national scores. Well he might know the secrets to the universe, but he don't know shit about being a father!

Now that, thats off my chest, I talked to my little Bro yesterday morning. he always comes off like he knows best. Well maybe he does, he is the most well adjusted member of the family. Andrew frustrates me, thats only because I envy him so much. I might say to him all the time "you think your better than me?" and "don't make me fly to Florida so I can punch you in the head!" I tend to be a touch negative toward him. After all it was my years of abusive negative comments toward my little bro that crafted him into the fine young man he is. That's rite I made you, and I can destroy you......I rue the day we meet again! Its hard to tell but the above comments are meant to be taken sarcastically, its a long running joke I have with my little bro. Well I find it funny but on second thought he probably doesn't. And Andrew, I still love my shirt more than I love you :)

Ok jokes aside Andrew seems to have his shit together. against all odds (for people in this family) he went to a very good private college, majored in Physics, kicked ass graduated cumlaude, toured Europe, interned at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and is pursuing his dream by going on for his masters in aerospace engineering, which hes gotten a full ride and a stiphen to University of Colorado! Yeah, I'd say theres a lot to be envious of. No it didn't come easy, well he figures himself as a smarty pants so it was for him. Now if I compare that to myself, which I know your never supposed to do Yadda Yadda Yadda so I wont, but........where am I going with this. So basically I partied and drank a lot and traveled around the US. But now I'm an adult and I got nothing. So I am years behind and in a rush to get started. Unfortunately, I'm stuck in a mid 20's crisis and I don't know where to start because I don't know where I am. So wheres the finish line?

Now Andrew is always one to encourage me despite my being a dick to him, well that goes both ways because he's done some shit to me! But still it's hard to take his encouragement more than face value. When he say's shit like "ya you should do that" it just sounds so fake. Besides he's a family member and no one else in the fam gives a crap, persay. I'm an idea man, I have ideas, but don't have the heart to follow through in fear of being trapped. But as Andrew put it "you're already trapped." For once he said something profound to me, and something I will definitely have to ponder.

I don't know where I was going with this, so I guess I just felt like bithching! whats new.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Funny stuff...At Least To Me!

For all you who grew up in the 80's and dug cheesy cartoons and movies from then, you got to watch at least one episode if College University. Now this site might be old and some of you may have already know about, so thanks for not telling me about it! But it all seems pretty new because it hasn't gotten shut down for what appears to me to be copy rite infringement.

It's how I always imagined college to be. Me hanging out with monkeys Optimus Prime and Big Foot! Or if 80's college movies didn't lie to me! any ways check it out I, suggest you start from the beginning, but if you want a taste just watch episode 8. Here's the page
If you want incite into my humor, this show hits all my funny bones.

Special thanks to my bro Jon for downloading and burning all the episodes of "Lost." I first thought the show was stupid, but after a two day marathon watching all the shows up to date, I am hooked. Just as Jon said, "can't remember a show that pulled me in like that." There's just so much mystery surrounding what the hell is going on, it will drive you crazy wanting to know the truth!

Oh ya and this is pretty funny to, but if your a cat lover it mite disturb you so view at your own risk, I think the cat was Ok, what about you? It wont be doing that again.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentines Day

Ah, love is in the air for those of you with significant others, at least on this superficial day! For those of us without anyone, its just another day with no pertanance at all. Except we save a little coin, no flowers or candy from us! I could have worked today and made a little extra cash, but instead I optioned to stay at home and sleep. Sleep I did, till 11pm! Just another waisted day for me, except for one little text message from my X-Girlfriend!

Well I shouldn't call her that, because acording to her we were never boyfriend and girlfreind. We were just "seeing eachother" for 5 months!
She needed to beable to slut around without feeling guilty. Thats ok, I was just happy to be getting a little nookie and so she can take that cookie and shuv it up her ass!

Anyways it was.....three years ago, I want to say, or was it two? Gina and I hooked up on Valentines day. Which, ironically, she had a boyfreind at the time who was trying to get a hold of her. Gina had this abillity to shoot through my shighness over girls and say "you going to kiss me or what?" Brutaly honest, but hay it worked. I never quite knew what she saw in me, I beeing a bit strange and nerdy, if you couldn't tell from reading my post, and she being "HOT" in a sluty stripper kind of way. Well she was a stripper and came with all the bagage that goes with it. But getting some tang, like I said, can make a man put up with crap.

We never officaily called it quits, we just kinda stopped talking to each other. Yet we still talk every couple of months, usually when she brakes up with one of her real "BOYFREINDS!" Just to tell me her woes and whats shes up to and how she misses me, yadda yadda yadda, but I don't care becuase I'm not getting any nookie from her. Now if I was, I would pretend to give a damn.

Anyways heres her text message
Happy Valentines day i still have the card that you gave me from before xoxoxo lets get togather soon!!!

To be honest I don't remember giving her a card, although I am a cheasy romantic! To bad I can't meet a girl that appreciates it! I do remember giving her a chockolate rose, only because it was cheaper than real rose's and I didn't think anything would come of it. I love how she said from before. Meaning she doesn't remember when that was. Well its still nice that she thinks of me, I guess? Should have called her up and asked her to come over, seeing how the parents are out of town.

On a differant note the basement is no longer haunted. My brother Jon made me go down there and confront my fears. I just turned on all the lights, and the strange activity seems to have stopped. This allowed me to start doing laundry again. speaking of which tonight was filled with a lot of cleaning, the parents are returning home tomarrow/today. Well they should be home by the time I get home from work tonight. As creepy as it was being home by myself, I dont look forward to the return of "FRANK!" Also, I think all this agitation I have been experiencing comes from not being able to vent my frustrations to my momothma. Thus all the blogging I've been doing this past week. Well, that coupled with bordom. Lost interest in CS:S (hard to believe) Sid Meier's Pirates, and Full Spectrum Warrior.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Am I Losing My Mind Or Is It Just Me?

Now normally I would say "Yes Francis you are!" but that's me thinking im losing my mind so in fact I wouldn't be because people who are losing it, don't know there losing it! Or so I believe? Anyways I find my paranoia increaseing. I've been alone before, but something about this house, this neighbor hood, the atmosphere, and my isolation from people at the wee hours of the night, has got me all wound up. I keep thinking someone is going to break in and try to kill me, this keeps me at a state of agitation. I almost feel like walking around my house with a knife in hand. Sound crazy? To top it off I keep hearing footsteps around the house like someone is here. Could just be the cat?

The straw that broke the camels back was yesterday around 7am. I was taking a crap in the bathroom (where else) when the MulchanaCat started going all crazy. He began pawing at the bathroom door and meowing all crazy. I kept yelling at him through the door to shut up leave me alone and I was busy! I ended up throwing a magazine at the door to make him go away. All was quiet for a minute or so then I herd him start these holing screams I had never heard before. It almost sounded like he was in the basement. When I finished up and walked out side to see what the hubub was about . The MulchanaCat was pawing at the back door, ok he just wanted to go out real bad, but I could here the recluse wild cat my ma keeps in the basement crying. What was that all about? So as I walked towards the basement door, I began to hear something other than the cat? It was my Dads radio, it was on? Now I've been home by myself all week and this damn radio hasn't gone off once! So it couldn't have his been the alarm clock? Well lets just say I was pretty freeked out! This just reinforced my theory that something non-human or other worldly is dwelling in the basement! Instead of investigating I decided it best to close the basement door stack some crap against it and go into my my bedroom and lock the door. I'm getting goose bumps just sitting here typing this, knowing I still haven't ventured downstairs to challenge my fears! Although the radio is no longer on? I am still a bit scared. Here I am a 24 year old half grown man (not quite a full man yet) and I'm afraid of the boogy man! I am tempted to just go down there and call out the demon so we can settle this once and for all.

Now normally I don't believe in evil spirits, ghost, and all that other crap Art bell talks about on Coast to Coast AM, but like I said I've been on edge for no good reason. There's nothing to fear but fear itself! Ya but fear is just so frightening and......Fearful! Unrational fear sucks! So am I losing it or what?

I know I'll blast the spirits out with some good ol fashioned Rock-N-ROll or a challenge like in crossroads! Its time to dance with the devil!

Or it would be cool if there was some kind of vortex that lead to another dimension and their was this dying race that needed me to help free them from the Tierney of an evil war monger, and I came back through the portal and I was 35 and it was only three weeks later! Yeah I've been watching to many of my 80's movie classics. can you name four 80's films with those plot elements?

Iraq Storys

well if you got nothing to read try this story about a battalion and there entrance into the war from the very begining.,13190,SOF_0205_Max-P1,00.html?

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Comfortable, Yet not So Affordable

I got my AK rocking chair
last Monday through First I am a little disappointed with because all the items I ordered all came on separate dates well after the three day shipping. The only reason I used as opposed to going to the store was I wanted to buy the Explorer's DVD, it was on sale for 5 bucks! Well I had fond memories of it from when I was a kid. I am on a, buy all the 80's movies from my youth, kick. So naturally I tried the Bestbuy by my house first, and they didn't have it. Which led me to buying it off their web site, which led to me doing more shopping. I Always wanted to by the AK rocking chair, but felt funny/anxiety about actually purchasing it from the physical store. Something about lugging the giant box up to the front. I always feel like people are judging me on what I buy, probably what makes shopping so difficult for me, along with the spending money thing. Hoard hoard hoard all my precious money.....All for Sirius! Gwaa haaa haaaa haaa aaaaaaaaa.............Sorry about that, got carried away. Anyways, I purchased the damn chair off best buy, only because as of the time of purchase Jan 27 you could only buy it through them, or off the AK site! Turns out now Circuit City is offering it, oh ya, with fee shipping! Speaking of shipping all the items I ordered came through UPS which I am very disappointed in. Three day shipping my ass! First I ordered it on the 27th, my credit card wasn't charged till the 29th and my chair didn't ship till the 31st and arrive until the Feb 7th! I don't think I will be using or UPS again, that is unless they continue to offer such childhood movie favorites for 5 Bucks.

The AK Rocker is probably the most comfortable piece of furniture I have ever bought! Reminds me, I need to buy a comfortable matres! Although for what you get, it seems a tad bit overpriced. Assembling the chair is another story, its best to have two people when doing it. Also, my brother Jon had to take box cutter to some of the edges, because the mold, had left some rough spots making assembly impossible. Once in the chair, it takes some getting use to. You'll probably lean to far back, where by the whole thing falls backwards. But once you find the rite position, you'll find it to be damn comfortable! Its like it straightens your spine or something, but it feels amazing. Which just like it says allows for extended gaming or TV viewing time. Although I haven't tested how it fairs in the long run for myself, I'm stuck hunched over in my den behind my PC for most of my time spent at home. But seeing how I have to watch the Dark Crystal
I'll get to experience its comfort first hand during a 90 minute viewing session.

As for the Explorers, it wasn't quite as great as I had remembered it, actually if you saw it for the first time, it would be down rite strange! Yet its one of those kind of your a kid that would be awesome if this happened to me feel good movies, just like my favorite movie The Goonies. Good times.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Strange Days

I hung out all night with Alex yesterday. We where going to go to the casino in Elgin, but a sudden snow fall put the kibash on those plans. Alex has this wierd phobia of driving when its snowing out, even if shes not the one driving. So we ended up at the Lake St Denny's (LSD for those from around these parts) drinking coffee and talking. I even managed to get her to come over here afterwards since the P's are out of town. She doesn't like to meet parents nor does she like people to meet her's? Well she messed with my PC and installed AOL instant messanger, even after my persistant "get away from my computer, I dont want that shit on there, ok you suck!" Well after that it was time for her to go! Seeing how we both had to be at work at 4pm I made her promise to call me at 3pm to make sure I was awake.

Well Alex screwed up the plan, and called and woke me up ast 2:30pm. which was cool that she called, but I promptly answered my phone, hung up and went back to sleep. not to fear I reawoke at 3:40Pm, with enough time to shower shave and speed to work. all that rushing was in vein because, the wise managers had changed the schedule without telling anyone. So I didn't have to work untill 5pm. No big loss, I just ordered some food and chilled till my start time.

As it would turn out today would be the day that we would be visited by none other than the VP of Lone Star and our new District Manager (RM). Our store, is no longer apart of the northern chicago district, instead we were swaped out with the Aroura store, and are now apart of the southern Chicago district? why would a nothern store be swapped out with a clearly southern store? Acording to the wisdom of the higher ups it looks better, if the southern district gets a boost in their overall sales from a store with stronger sales, showing an increse in profits for that district. While the lower sales grossing southern store really doesn't effect the stronger northern district. Make sense? Well thats how buisiness works.

Now most people might be a little shigh of meeting some one as important as The VP of the corperation! Well not everyone has known the VP as long as I have. You see the VP is Ryan Franklin, I just know him as Ryan. Ryan started his career at Lonestar as a manager. He quickly worked his way up to general manager (GM) where he ratted out his best friend at the time, who was the district manager, for drug use and embesslement. Ryan there by was promoted to the new DM. I joined the company around this time 6 very long years ago. From DM, Ryan was promoted to regional manager (RM) thanks to his revolutionary concept of the 12 steps to service and what he named 2-3-1-1! This concept was implamented nation wide, not bad, but its a shame he stole it from one of his underlings! From there he was promoted to something else and the made his way to Regional Vice President!

From what I said about the man you might think he's a cut throat prick. This couldn't be farther from the truth. In actuallity Ryan is probably the nicest guy who works for the whole corperation. From the first time I met him, he learned my name and never forgot it. He has this thing where he goes out of his way to learn and remember all those that work for him, even miniscule servers! At least when he was DM, seeing how he looks over some 100+ stores now, I don't know if he still practices this, but still he's never forgoten my name. I can't say that for some of the 7+ GM's and countless other managers I've survived! Anyways I alwas admired that quallity and he was always there to settle conflicts between managers and servers. So he worked hard and got to the top. If you scroll down loestars webpage in tiny print youll see his name towards the bottom

Why give all this backstory? Well its an effort to add some light to our conversation.

Ryan struts in with the new DM and the manergers scramble about in a tizzy. I of course am like, what ever, becuase I've seen this countless times before with countless other managers. So after a while of walking about the resturant and Im sure not seeing to many familar faces Ryan comes over to the bar to talk to me.

"Hay Francis how you doing?"

"Ah not much, you know, the same old shit."
Most would be like oooooohhhh you cant talk to the VP like that (me making a hand stroking motion)

Ryan continues talking
"No that cant be all? how are things around here?"

"Nothing really new to talk about, heard you got a promotion?"
Of course I already new this but was making small talk and figured the best way to get the ball rolling was to get him to talk about himself."

"yeah, I'm the Regional Vice President!"

"Nice, hows that treating you?

"Good, Good, the companys been real good to me. Although living in Kansas sucks, not a lot to do out there and I have to travle all the time. Working a lot of hours flying back and forth.

"Naw you couldn't be working that much"

"I put a lot more hours in than you."

"I don't know, do you get 2 days off a week?"

Ryan then laughs this off turning the conversation back on me.

"So Ive been doing some digging and saw that you've worked here for 6 years!"

Befuttled as to where he was going with this
"Wow, has it been that long, I need to find a new job."
I now laughed this one off

Ryan returns with
"I've worked with the company for 11 years!"

Now I didn't quite know what this was all about, I mean why was he bringing this up. Lets do the math. Ryan+11 years= VP! Me+ 6 years= low man on todam pole who is still just a server/bartender :(
the only thing I could think of
"So Ryan can you find a job for me? I have a degree but I don't really know what I want to do yet."

"You have a degree, in what?"

Trying to play off that its just an associates, in hopes of a promising answer I simple put
"It's a Liberall Arts Degree."

Ryan didn't respond to this instead he came back with some more banter, that was short lived. I then pretended like I had something to do and walked away.

Well it was worth a try, I believe they call this networking, but I probably aproached it the wrong way, but you never know becuase I made an impression, although on second thought probably not a good one. Ahh what the hell do I care, I hate this company and everything about it! Whats the best they can offer me anyways? A shity managers posistion that I can rot in. Our manager turnover is like 2 a year. GM's tend to last a year and a half! Rite now we're under a massive server turn over loosing 3 people a week. we only have a staff of 20. These numbers should tell you about the kind of conditions and the people I work with.

I know this is a long post, but I have one last thing to mention. I met a girl today, well kinda. This girl I work with Tara, had a couple of her freinds from Elmhurst College come in and eat. Well I was joking with the other bartender which led to me asking one of Tara's freinds if she (cough cough) Wanted to take a ride on the Franswiggidy Wagon! The answer turned out to be a maybe and led to some diggits. God is that what woman respond to, crappy pick up lines? Sure it was funny to me, but other people? and who takes that seriously? The girls pretty/kinda cute, in a bizaro nerdy sort of way, but it starts to fall apart down stairs. I don't know if I'll even call her, I'm bad in that part. Talking to chicks I don't know. I mean what are you supposed to talk about, the crap I write about on here? So much Anxiety surounds me when it comes to the opposite sex. Can't say I had much of a role modle in that area, seeing how my.....Frank isn't one to talk about in that arena. But Valentines day is comeing up, so maybe as opposed to being alone, I should call her. If nothing comes of it its still nice to broaden my freind circle. maybe I should have gone into more detail about this story as opposed to the novel I wrote on The VP?

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Ding Dong The Parents Are Gone!

Ah the P's left on Monday for a trip down to Florida to visit my sister and brother. Well actually its to bring them crap from up here. A bunch of baby crap for my sister, and some clothes and my lil bro's computer monitor. Since my lil bro Andrew decided he would stay in Florida till whenever......he gets into grad school. The real reason, is he met a girl! A girl! Who still has a boyfriend, or so I'm told? Well getting a little tang can do that to a man. To quote a recent add I saw "I have systematically purged the earth of evil. I fear only daylight and girls." Well that quote applies to me but not little bro. Not only does he not fear girls, but he never purges the earth of evil! I on the other hand......Well lets not go there now.

So the parents have been gone for three days now and the house is silent and clean! Yes my parents are the dirtiest and worst roommates one could ever have the grace of god of having to live with. Yes this should be an indicator that I should move out on my own and follow the footsteps of my fellow siblings, but I prefer to just sit and complain. We're good at that in my family.

With my parents departure it feels like the evil that envelopes this house has left with them, although I'm still convinced the basement is haunted or house's a vortex that leeds to the inner circle of hell. I care not to venture down there wile my parents are gone. I do need to do laundry so, I might have to go down there during the daylight hours. That unfortunately doesn't seem to promising.

Since my parents have left I have been sleeping rather calmly and deeply. Sleep so deep to the point that I slept through half my shift at work on Tuesday. Usually I toss and turn and wake up several times during my sleep and am so uncomfortable that I just get up. Not these past couple of days. Sleep has come easy and vast. As far as work went, they we're worried that I quit before Valentines day. Not good for them because they are so short staffed rite now. So I wasn't in any trouble. I didn't have to work tonight so I slept till 9pm. That wasn't my intention I just woke up and looked at the clock and was like "Wow its 9pm!" So my plans were shot. But that's Ok because my brother the all knowing, all wonderful, all powerful, Yogurt! (cough cough) I mean Jon came by to hang. Well actually, to eat.

Jon and I went shopping which causes me paralysis of the stomach and the lights in the grocery store make Jon's brain want to explode. If I'm hungry and I don't know what I want to eat, and I'm in a room full of food, none of it is at all appetizing to me. I would prefer not to eat than eat something I don't want to eat. Some kind of strange eating disorder, where eating isn't pleasurable, instead it has a lot of negative aspects applied to it. That's most likely why I can't gain weight and am stuck at the 125lb barrier. Jon says I inherited all the negative aspects of my parents, where he got all the positive ones. Apparently I'm winy, bitchy, greedy, and stingy! O yeah left out anxious and stupid! Where Jon is....just Jon, hes hard to describe more like the kind of guy you would have to meet and talk to for a while, to get a feel of. As long as your talking to him make sure you take a minute to smell is precious head. Ahhhh the sweet sweet smell of his over producing grease chambers for pores that saturate his pubic like hair on his head! But I digress. Any ways we got a bunch of crap from the store and Jon paid for it all courtesy of the Illinois government! So let the feast of a thousand feast begin!

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Comic Book Guy's Real Name!

The simpsons finally gives us a name to Comic Book Guy. Ready? OK well they said it fast that I almost missed it , and then was like, hay Comic Book Guy just introduced himself without referring to himself as Comic Book Guy! Instead Flanders says "I don't think we've met before (not true) I'm Ned Flanders and Comic Book Guy replies "I'm JEB ANDERSON"

On second thought maybe I herd that wrong, but its something like that.

After 20 minutes of searching the web for message boards in Comic Book Guy fashion, I couldn't find a single post by anyone with his real name divulged! I guess Im the first one to post on this amazing revalation! I'm sure it will be up on sites tomorrow among other "Super Bowl" broo ha ha.
I'll update when i know his true name for sure.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

A Bill Of Good Health

First, I'd like to start off that my sleep cycle is all messed up. I have offically started the transformation into Jon! I haven't been able to sleep longer than 6 hours at any given time. Maybe its my bed or itsaThink of a day in which you lay down for naps periodically and wake up at strange hours refreshed and unable to fall back asleep. Followed by nothing to do but watch tv and surf the internet followed by the ocasional 5 hours of work. Well thats the sleep I've been getting! Probably wont last for long, but it feels nice in an odd sort of way.

Any ways I returned to the ENT Dr for my follow up evaluation. The Dr told me exactly what I already new. My ear was better, for now, but the cyst and scare tissue would need to be removed, or these infections will keep comeing back. But for him to preform another procedure would cost me about 500 big ones, so naturally I declined. I'll take another infedtion first, then maybe I'll have some insurance to get it fixed once and for all! The Dr decided to be nice and only charged me $40 for the five minutes we talked.

The bills have now come in so lets add up my total ear cost
  • Hospital Visit $544.00
  • Antibiotics $ 94.00
  • Draining infected mass $244.00
  • explanation of further procedure $ 40.00
  • Total cost of infected earlobe $922.00

You thought I was going to say priceless for a minute there, didn't you? well I guess in a way it is priceless, saved me from possible further cost like every one kept telling me. All I can think of rite now is it would have been nice to have spent that money on something physical like a new Tv or something. The way I'm looking at the amount of money is it could be comparable to a rent check. You now the idea that it was waisted on something you don't own but in a way you need. real world type spending.

After my Dr appointment I was supposed to go and get further information On my plan D. Unfortunatly like all my plans I was overcome by my anxiety which kept me from entering the place in which I was to obtain my information. I sat in the parkinglot for a while mulling the idea over in my head, but couldn't bring myself to enter. Instead I justified it by making excuses for myself about other things I needed to do. Like getting my oil changed, and eating sushi. I was determined in my mind, but my body wasn't willing (or is that vive versa?) to go through with it. I told myself I would even return later in the day, but got a headache and a case of the shits, most likely linked to the anxiety. Instead I took a nap. Now I am deturmined on Monday to rectifie my loss and come through triumphant! At least thats the plan for now, we'll see. Like I said these things have a way of changeing.

A Different Take

Found this interesting vid on the 9/11 Pentagon plane crash. I like the style in which it was done, its very effective. Do you believe in the conspiracy?

Then I found this photo so its up in the air, pardon the pun as to what really happened!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Groundhog Day=Mandy's 30th Birthday

Ah nothing like a holiday to surve as a reminder of a birthday. Wish my birthday was on a hilday.......people still would have forgotten about it. Never the less I try to be a good sibling and called my sister Amanda (the name she goes by in Florida) early this morning around 8am Florida time, to get her before she went to work. Turns out she doesn't get up for untill 8:30, and was a bit grogy and upset I woke her up. She still managed to say thank you and gave me a belated happy birthday. Our conversation was short but she was sleeping, so I let her be. I got a voice mail from Lord Dingus around 8:45 pm reminding me to wish my Sister a happy birthday, but I had already beet him to the punch! Silly Dingus how could I forget, Trix are for kids!

As far as groundhog day goes Punxsutawny Phil saw his shadow at 7:31Am meaning 6 more weeks of winter. I watched Phil live on Good Morning America. It was interesting to watch becuase there was a huge crowd all screaming. Then the speach given by the grand puba or whatever hes called was like 20 minutes long. After it was decided Phil saw his shadow the crowd then burst out in a giant boooo and almost looked like they were going to start throwing things. There was also an interesting show on Animal Planet showing the history of the groundhog and all the other less recognized groundhogs from around north America that predict the weather. The Funiest one is the Canadian albino groundhog .

On a side note I have to go back to the Dr tomarow at 8am to have him tell me that my ear is ok and pay 65 bucks! I would have cancelled the apointment but I forgot and my mom tells me even if I don't show they will still charge me. Thats ok I need to go out that way anyways, I have to get some info on plan D! Thats right plan D is real.....or is it?

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

A Poem By Me

Shit Happens And Time Heals
Everything Is Temporary, Nothing Is Forever
Wisdom to Live By But nothing to Live For

Crazy Taxi

Last night my brother Jon payed one of his impropmt to visits from the City. He likes to come out at the strangest times, and only stay for a couple of hours. I always get suckered into driving him back home.

Before I dropped him off at his apartment we stopped at his favorite place Clarkes, for some coffee and discussion on time, space, physics, and what ever else we can come up with. Like you ever think that you are just a brain and eyes talking when your talking. When you talk you think only of your self as a presence or being you never think about the actual workings behind you, yourself. Let me put it this way, take away your skin and bones and imagine your brain and eyes floating in the air while you are conversing. Its weird and hard to imagine. This probably doesn't come off well in writing more of something I would have to say in person.

"I don't have any problems in the love department, I just don't have any shoppers rite now!"

Did that make sense?

Anyway my story picks up after I dropped Jon off last night. I was taking I90 home from Jons when I came across this crazy taxi. It was weaving back and forth across three lanes of open traffic. It kept going back and forth over the lines and not wanting to stay in one lane. I immediately recognized this as a potential drunk driver and dropped my speed to back off as far away from this taxi as possible. This proved difficult because the Taxi was now dropping its speed. I then thought to myself I should call the state police and get the Taxis plates, but not wanting to risk getting close to the taxi and knowing the State police probably wouldn't respond fast enough, compounded that I didn't know where the Taxi was going meaning it could get off at any exit I decided to speed past it. When I got past the Taxi I noticed it had a busted headlight, and kept my eye on it in through my rear view mirror. I noticed that the taxi was now causing other drivers problems around it. So coming up to the tollway I decided not to pay the automatic toll and go through the manual toll so I could report it to the toll guy working. Usually at the toll stops theres a state trooper hanging around in the buildings off to the side.

When I got to the toll plaza there was a line at the manual booth. The line was long enough that the crazy Taxi managed to catch up to me, and was now waiting in line directly behind me. His behavior was still erratic. When the line moved up the taxi hesitated and hung back for a minute leaving a three car gap. The taxi then lurched forward and braked hard. When it was my turn to pay I first asked the toll guy "can you call a state trooper?"
he responded in a crotchy voice "whaaaaaat?"
So I repeated my self a bit worried now that driver of the Taxi now had his window down and was over hearing my conversation
"Can you call a State trooper?"
"Whaaaaat........whaaaaat.........ya I guess I can, what would you need a trooper for?"
Not quite the response I was looking for, I guess I wanted something more like "Why yes I can, what seems to be the problem?"
"You see this taxi behind me?"
the crotchy toll guy now peers directly at the Taxi while im talking to him. I almost wanted to shout "no don't look at him!"
"well hes been driving all crazy, hes all over the road and cutting across three lanes of traffic for no reason, I think somethings wrong, can you report it?"
The crotchy toll guy then looks at me with this bewildered gaze as he takes my money.
"Ya I'll check it out" as he hands me my change.

I then thought to myself, you'll check it out! I wasn't aware that you were now an authority on DUI's!

well that didn't go how I thought it should have. What should I expect from a state employee on the graveyard shift who probably drinks on the job himself. I wonder if the toll guys have some social responsibility or incentive to report drunk drivers? I did my part by telling a state agent of a potential hazard to other drivers, so if something did happen he would have been held responsible. For all I know he did report the Taxi, or he didn't, I sped away swiftly so the Taxi couldn't follow me. I wonder if I should write a letter about this to the State?