Wednesday, January 24, 2007

2,416,960,000 Miles

Thats the total distance I've traveled on this ride we call life. Just sitting one this big blue dot I've made 26 trips around the sun. Thats right I'm 26!

It's exciting and a bit scary knowing that I'm now over the hump of my 20's and 1 day closer to 30. Its odd because I find myself around a lot of younger kids here at school, and I have begun lying about my age. Gasp, Lye about my age, thats something woman do.

Last year was a good year to be 25, and this year will be a good year to be 26.

My birthday this year was quiet, much similar to last year 3. no lavish gifts or people bubbling to take me out. I guess now its nice to just have some peace and reflect. I spoke to my brothers which was gift enough. It makes me happy to know we are all so far away, but manage to remain so close.

Happy birthday me.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Why I Stopped Blogging

I have been thinking about this for some time now, why have I stopped blogging? I used to blog with consistent frequency, at least a few times a month, then some how my interest wained. Why? I think its because my life has a new found purpose. I no longer have ample amounts of time on my hands to sit and write. I have things to do, playing videogames, doing homework, making new friends. There are numerous stories I would like to share with you all. For the time being, they remain unwritten. I'm not saying I am done with this blog, but I think it served an invaluable purpose in my life. I was able express my frustrations, depression, and manic ideas. I'll be back when the time is right.