Anew Predicament
Just when I thought everything was all worked out and we had a place to live, my future roommate finally got around to talking to a girl in one of his Econ classes who resides where we're about to move. She told him that the apartments have (gasp) ROACHES! Among a bunch of other problems. Now this could be viewed two different ways, that we're very lucky to find out about this before the final lease signing or its just our dumb luck, that we would be moving into a filthy building. To me the roach predicament isn't a deal breaker, they can be easily controlled, but for my roommate its a deal breaker. Now before I jumped to conclusions about the place I decided to do some research of my own, which prompted me to look for apartment reviews, which I never even thought of before. I wish I had done this before because the ones I found on our place weren't to promising. Now granted there were only three reviews, but still they began to sued my opinion of the place.
So my roommate decide to jump back on the grenade he wasn't content living in a "Hell Hole" but what do you expect to get when your paying less then $700 a month for a 2 bedroom 2 bath. Now the thought of living with roaches seemed to light a fire under his ass, because all of the sudden he was renewed in questing for a place to live. He then came across the Lincolnshire West Apartments. A nice little place and $20 cheaper then the place we were originally going to stay, it even got great reviews! Unfortunately though I'm not employed now, well I will be in a few days but the place wanted to see that you make three times the months rent, a month; apartments have such strange request. So what do they need from me, a cosigner. This is all very, rush rush, I was told we had to take care of all this business today if we wanted the place or another gentleman would be coming by to scoop the place tomorrow. I was dropped a hot potato in my lap and now I had to figure out what to do. Since I didn't make the required amount of money the place wanted a cosigner from me, I dropped the bomb on my parents, who intern told me they wanted no such part, because "what if I defaulted and they had to pay, they weren't working and couldn't afford to do it." Now I have never proven myself irresponsible when it comes to paying my bills, I have never defaulted on a payment of any sort, so its ridiculous for them to even think I would. Then granted I am almost 25 so its ridiculous that I would need a cosigner or even be expected to find one, and I can understand my parents worries, but still. So I told my roommate of the predicament and he was quick to volunteer his mom without asking her first.
All I can do now is sit back, its out of my hands. If we get the new place we get it, if we don't then its back to the o'l "roach motel!" Either way I could care less, but as my funds begin to dwindle and I don't have a job to hang onto, as of yet, I grow more annoyed with myself. I am after all, responsible for not making the required income to get the dreamiest Dekalb appartment. Life just keeps throwing me more curve balls, so I'm just going to wait for the dust to settle and see where we are tomorrow, hopefully with a nicer place, but roaches will do.