Movie Fun and Memorys
State the next line from this obscure movie, and the name of the movie. Jon you cant play, so dont give it away. Andrew do you know? Any body eles can take a stab at it.
State the next line from this obscure movie, and the name of the movie. Jon you cant play, so dont give it away. Andrew do you know? Any body eles can take a stab at it.
Get it? Its a play on time and Prime
How often are you supposed to defrag your computer? Once a week? Once a month? Probally more often then every 502 days I'm asumeing. This old hunk of junk computer my brother gave me to use hasn't been working so well lately. Its been loading web pages impossibly slow, if at all, and launching programs takes (use Sand Lot voice for this one) FOR EVER! So in an attempt to try to fix the problem I decide to defrag my computer. I would have done it earlier, if I new how. Ya I know what your saying. What kind of moron doesn't know how to defrag a computer? Well this one, like I said before I am completely computer elliterite, and jalk up spelling to that list as well. After a quick conversation with my my brother Jon, I learned how simple it is. Thanks Jon. I am sure my computer problems will increase when I have the ultimate PC gaming machine at my fingertips. Count down only three more days untill I have completely aquired the 2K for the building to begin. So back to the story I went in to defrag my computer and, guess what? Its been a whopping 502 days since the last one. Now I knew it was going to take a some time, but never expected it would take 7 hours. With my access to the internet down and nothing on TV, I now had to find other things to do to occupy my time.
Ok here goes my attempt at reviewing a videogame. I've read enough game mag reviews in my lifetime, that I think I can put a half decent one together.
Well if your woundering why it's been a few days between post, I've been busy with Beyond Good and Evil for the Xbox. Interesting story about how I got some of my stuff resetup after my mother decided to move her room back up stairs, out of the basement, and disolving my once great rumpas room. I never got to experience the rumpas room's full potential, no thanks to a house guest from Vegas that took up residence for nine months when he was only supposed to stay for two weeks ruining a perfectly good couch by permiating his smell into the very essence of the couch fibers that the only alternative was to give him the couch when he finaly moved out! More on that another time. As for the moving a 30" flat screen TV (nonplasma thin wall kind, but the heavy non HD kind), I had to enlist a drunken coworker by tempting him with a six pack of Budlight left over from the night I was tempted to drink (he was dissapointed to learn it was warm beer I gave him, but he was drunk when we moved the TV, so he took it anyways). With my plans on the back burner for moving out of my parents house at this juncture, and my saving for my ultimate gaming PC born from the bowls of hell, a gaming machine so primevil, its very power source runs on a vortex core of human souls, or so I hope, at least thats how my Bro tells me its going to be built. I'l get a list of components from my bro and post those later, I dont know anything about how to work a computer, besides the internet, and this blog. True story, my brother Jon can testifie to that. So back to setting up the TV, it was laying dormant on the ground in my little brother Andrews old room for the past 4 months (no sense setting it up if your planning on leaving) but since my attempts at escaping the cone of depression that is this life force sucking house failed, and coupled with my plans falling through, I decided to just set the Xbox and TV up along with some cable three days ago. Now I remember the true reason behind leaving the TV be, I had that damn research paper to write and didn't want any distractions, nope it was the first reason never mind, if that were true then I wouldn't have been playing all those NES roms' leaving the papper to the last minute (still got an A). So once again back to the story. With just the shell of my former entertainment center set up (lacking DVD player, VCR, reciever 5.1 suround sound including subwoofer, theater set up) I set out to purchase Beyond Good and Evil (if your not familiar with the game check this link
So its monday night or should I say tuesday mourning around 12:30am, and Alex gets a hankering for something to eat. She says she knows this place in Chinatown in Chicago thats open all night long. Myself afraid to eat chinese food (I get giant welts that form on my face, might be related to MSG but the DR. tells me otherwise) and having nothing better to do decide to acompany Alex on what would turn out to be a very interesting mourning.
Can you believe the entire time I was watching Resident Evil Apocalypse I was thinking about A clever way I could work R.E. into my blogg title. My brother came up with the second one, in a matter of seconds, that's why he's the genius.
I have been sober for over three months now, and what have I gained from it? In my opinion nothing. I had sobered up for a reason, it was causing my mother much aggravation to deal with both my father and me. I also had to take on my greatest challenge in my school career, writing a 10 page research paper. I hate research papers! Drinking had escalated to the point that it controlled my everyday activity's. I had made goals for myself and I couldn't obtain them if I continued to drink. At my peek point in drinking, I weighed 120 lbs and could down a 12 pack in a matter of hours, all to feel the sweet release of my overburdened mind. Forget eating, getting drunk was my number 1 priority.
I remember it like it was yesturday. The way my room was set up was completely different. I had a 19" Tv with all my videogames stereo and what not set up next to my bed. I was sound asleep, when all of the sudden my mother burst into my room screeming, Francis wake up wake up, we're under attack, Americas under attack! Not knowing what was going on, and having only gone to sleep a couple hours before, I was very confused as too what my mother was talking about. I thought my mother was joking, having figured out a crafty way of wakeing me up. She hates it when I sleep all day. I replied to my mother by saying what? What do you meen we're under attack, the first thing that came to my mind is that the Russians had changed their mind about us, and dropped the Bomb . My mother shouts turn on the TV they hit the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon! Who? What are you talking about? I turned on the TV and to my dissmay I saw the two WTC towers burning. I asked my mom who did this and she said that they didn't know yet, but airplanes had flown into the buildings. It wasn't before long when the news began playing the scene of the second impact. I didn't know how to handle what I was seeing. what I mean by that is, I didn't get sad or fearfull, most likely due to my complete disasociation with NeyYork and its people, and the lack of understanding the severity behind the whole situation. Instead my brain, as horrible as it sounds, handled the images I was viewing as entertainment, not real at all. As I watched I then saw the WTC 1 fall on live TV. The images of people running in fear and the massive dust ploom that tumbled through the canions of NYC envelopeing everything, only brought one thought to mind. Thats like somthing out of a movie.
So its your average day at the Lone*Star, not very busy at all. Im standing behind the bar watching Tv and talking with the bartender, Chris, from the restaurunt next door, whos enjoying a prework beer. When in swaggers this heavy metal biker looking dude. He pulls up a chair and and immediately starts telling me about how his bike broke down and he was waiting for a tow, and that hes not from around here, hes from LA. This peeks my interest a little bit so I ask him what hes in town for? He replies that his band just played a gig at the House of Blues in Chicago. Not realy careing who he played with I asked him what he was doing in Bloomingdale? Thats more interesting to me because if he played a gig down town why would he be out this way, ie the southwest suburbs, pluss I didnt recognize him so he wouldn't play with a band I care for. Before he answered he promptly ordered a Bud Light and began asking about the bars in the neighborhood. This is where I took special interest in his deminor, he was all shaky, agitated looking, fast talking and slaming his beer, the answer to that will come later. Chris, from down at the other end of the bar, started telling him about the local grog establishments, I walked away at this point to tend to some patrons who sat themselves at one of the bar tables. when I returned the biker looking guy was telling Chris that he was in a band, and was in town to visit his brother who lived in Bloomingdale. Chris then ordered another beer for the man who inreturn ordered another beer for Chris. Seems like a nice guy so far.
As I briefly mention before, I work at the lone * Star Steakhouse & saloon. I've worked at this dreadful restaurant for the past 5 years or so, only interrupted by a brief hiatus to live, learn, and earn at Walt Disney World. Ive been bartendeing at lone*star for the past 2 and 1/2 years, which was the biggest mistake I ever made. I would have been better off working at McDonalds, at least their with the time I've invested at Lone*star I would be a McManager by now. So many storys to share but for now im going to focus on the events that unfolded tonight.
This damn Hurricane Frances is making me the punch line, not that I already wasn't, for some very unfunny jokes. You see, my true name is FranIS with an IS, Not FrancES with an ES. People are so stupid, they can't distinguish the difference between the male IS and female ES of my name. Since I work at restaurant every damn customer/guest has been commenting on my name for the past several days. Saying shit like, Hay Francis aren't you supposed to be in Florida. My response to that is, do I look like white trash (no comments from those that know me about that)? Or hay your name is the same as that hurricane in Florida. Multiple lame ass jokes like that by a 100 and it gets old fast. The only one I know who can relate to this conundrum, is my little bro Andrew, who has the same name as devastating hurricane that hit Florida and the Golf coast years ago. Hopefully Hurricane Frances wont be as devastating as their predicting, and will trail off into obscurity, much like I'm destine to do. Every time someone comments on my name and the similar name of the hurricane I find my self saying
An interesting comment was posted at 6:51 pm under my Greatest Zombie Movie Ever blog, by anonymous which later reveals his name to be a mister Kevin McCarthy of Hanover Park. I believe this post to be rouse by either my brother or one of his cohorts. The post is as follows:
If you've read my bio you may have seen under occupation I list myself as a zombie killer/vampire hunter. Alas, since zombies and vampires don't roam the earth I have to find an alternative source of work, such as waiting tables at the local Lonestar. While I'm waiting for the dead to rise, I have one quest in life and it is to write the greatest zombie movie ever. Such an odd quest you might be thinking, but its more probable then my quest to take over the world using giant mechs, by becoming the dictator of a small South American country, revitalizing its economy and inviting the evil scientist of the world to build my mechs, all under the guise of a prominent shipping company. Off topic sorry, more on that later. Any who, I was discussing with my brother what the ultimate zombie movie would consist of, and I compiled a short list of the main elements I would have in it.
If you haven't read the previous post I was telling the story about my brother on why he bootlegs videogames. I thought his bootlegged porno collection was bigger, but after an early mourning conversation with him yesterday I found out this isn't true. It turns out he threw away his bootlegged porn after he was tipped that the Feds were after him. Just kidding about the feds, but he did admit at one point it was bigger. So as long as we were on the topic I asked about why it was ok for him to bootleg porn. He said it was ok to download porn if it wasn't copyrited. What kind of porn is he getting that's not copyrited? Must be Snuff. As the conversation progressed it turned into what I call a Jon law. Jon laws are ideas that he believes would make the world better, like making him the King of HanoverPark.
To start this story off you need to know a little about my older bro Jon. First off Jon is a genius, almost evil genius but his head problems aren't at that point yet. Jon supposedly has an IQ of 150 or something extremely high like that. This information comes from my father who can be highly questionable most of the time. Jon suffers from a myriad of emotional and psychological problems, because with great power comes great responsibility, most notably anxiety and depression, although if you ever met him you would think he's an everyday joe. Just to reaffirm he's a little off his rocker, Jon decided when he was 18 to go to bed for a year. He promptly did. After a series of electric shocks to the old brainola and trying several different cocktail's of medicines, he managed to come around enough to land himself on government disability (mostly with help from my mother). In Illinois we have this great program called Home Base, which allows my brother to go to the movies, eat out, buy crap, and drive around in a car, and get this, he gets reimbursed for it all. That's right the good ol Illinois Gov pays him to do shit! That's a whole other post for another time. So Jon bought himself a computer with his government pay, and that's where the trouble with EA began.